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Updated: August 7, 2024

Not but that there may be divers wits in the world incomparably better then mine; but because men cannot so well conceive a thing and make it their own, when they learn it of another, as when they invent it themselves: which is so true in this Subject, that although I have often explain'd some of my opinions to very understanding men, and who, whilest I spake to them, seem'd very distinctly to conceive them; yet when they repeated them, I observ'd, that they chang'd them almost always in such a manner, that I could no longer own them for mine.

They who have written commentaries on those poets, or on Horace, Juvenal, and Martial, have explain'd some vices which, without their interpretation, had been unknown to modern times. Neither has he judg'd impartially betwixt the former age and us. There is more bawdry in one play of Fletcher's, call'd The Custom of the Country, than in all ours together.

And here enlarging my self on the subject of Light, I at length explain'd what that light was, which was to be in the Sun and Stars; and thence how it travers'd in an instant the immense spaces of the Heavens, and how it reflected it self from Planets and Commets towards the Earth.

It was sent to me, by herself, on communicating to some of my Friends the Design I had of writing a Weekly Paper, under the title of the ROVER, the Scope of which is in some Measure explain'd in her Address to me, and this Project I may yet perhaps put in Execution."

The painting was finely copper-plated in 1830, and the present is a fac simile. The time was signalized by the separation of the society of Friends, so greatly talked of and continuing yet but so little really explain'd. And the following is what has at last but all come out of it the feeling and intention never forgotten yet! It is a specimen of this class I would now present.

On: Gen. i. 27-28, compar'd and explain'd by Gen. ii. 18, 23, 24 Dent. xxiv. 1-2. Matth. v. 31-32, with Matth. xix., from the 3 v. to the 11th. 1 Cor vii., from the 10th to the 16th.

She had talk'd of Canary, her Kisses were to me better than the best Canary. Explain'd the expression Concerning Columbus. October 13. I tell my Son and daughter Sewall, that the Weather was not so fair as I apprehended. October 17. In the Evening I visited Madam Winthrop, who Treated me Courteously, but not in Clean Linen as somtimes. She said, she did not know whether I would come again, or no.

Indeed, the paradox of a nation's life and career, with all its wondrous contradictions, can probably only be explain'd from these two wills, sometimes conflicting, each operating in its sphere, combining in races or in persons, and producing strangest results.

He was half naked, old and bent, with matted grey hair and beard hanging almost to his waist. His chest and legs were bleeding from a score of scratches; and he pointed at the cat, opening and shutting his mouth like a dog, and barking out curse upon curse. No way upset, Joan stepped across the kitchen, laid me on one of the bracken beds, and explain'd "That's feyther: he's drunk."

Tupia explain'd to them the reasons of our Coming here, and that we should neither hurt nor Molest them if they did but behave in the same peaceable manner to us; indeed, we were under very little apprehension but what they would, as they had heard of what hapned in Poverty Bay. Between 1 and 2 p.m.

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