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Kyrie Eleison!" and the murmuring undertone of the organ shook the still air with deep vibrations of holy tune. Everywhere peace, everywhere purity! everywhere that spacious whiteness, flecked with side-gleams of royal purple, gold, and ardent crimson, and in the midst of all, O dearest tenderness!

Elsa was happy freed from the brute who would have made her wretched for the rest of her life; and surely the good God, who could read the secret motives which lay in a fellow's heart, would not be hard on Andor for what he had done or left undone for Elsa's sake. "Kyrie eleison." But the daily routine of everyday life went on at Marosfalva just as it had done before the double tragedy of St.

When the Pope reads from the missal, this book is held by the first, and a taper by the second, patriarch or assisting bishop . The Kyrie eleison, the Gloria in excelsis, Credo, Sanctus and Agnus Dei are said by all persons within the sanctuary: the cardinals descend from their seats to say them, and form a circle in the middle of the chapel; having received the Pope's blessing they return to their places.

During the time in which Joan of Arc was receiving the Sacrament, those persons who had been admitted within the castle recited the litany for the departing soul, and never had the mournful invocation for the dying, the supplication of the solemn chant, 'Kyrie eleison! Christe eleison! been raised from a more tragic place, or on a more heart-stirring occasion.

The immemorial form of the cry for mercy in the devotions of Christendom is the "Kyrie eleison," Lord, have mercy upon us; the immemorial form of assent the word Amen.

This was the dread formula with which it was the custom to conclude these gloomy ceremonies. It was the signal agreed upon between the priest and the executioner. The crowd knelt. "Kyrie eleison,"* said the priests, who had remained beneath the arch of the portal. * "Lord have mercy upon us."

Below this again is a lovely initial, with more figures on a gold background. The letter begins the words of the Litany Kyrie eleison. A drawing at the bottom of the page represents Saul receiving the letter to Damascus for the persecution of the Christians.

Father Salví, pale, and decided at last, came out of his hiding-place and went downstairs. "The tulisanes have killed the alferez!" said Aunt Isabel. "Maria Clara, Sinang, go to your room! Fasten the door! Kyrie eleison!" Ibarra also went toward the stairs, in spite of Aunt Isabel, who was saying: "Don't go out! You haven't confessed yet. Don't go out!"

Those who had been able to do so, had knelt upon the seats, whilst the others joined their hands, or repeatedly made the sign of the cross; and when the murmured prayers were followed by the Litanies of the ritual, every voice rose, an ardent desire for the remission of the man's sins and for his physical and spiritual cure winging its flight heavenward with each successive Kyrie eleison.

Kyrie Eleison, thrice repeated, then Christie Eleison, also thrice repeated, descended to them in the voices of women, shrilled by excitement.