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The suspicions that M'Adam nourished dark designs against James Moore were somewhat confirmed in that, on several occasions in the bitter dusks of January afternoons, a little insidious figure was reported to have been seen lurking among the farm-buildings of Kenmuir. Once Sam'l Todd caught the little man fairly, skulking away in the woodshed.

Even in the shadow of after events, those first two months at Miss Blake's ranch swam like a golden galleon through Sheila's memory. Never had she felt such well-being of body, mind, and soul. Never had she known such dawns and days, such dusks, such sapphire nights. Sleep came like a highwayman to hold up an eager traveler, but came irresistibly.

What we call diffused light on Earth, the grateful result of refraction, the luminous matter held in suspension by the air, the mother of our dawns and our dusks, of our blushing mornings and our dewy eyes, of our shades, our penumbras, our tints and all the other magical effects of chiaro-oscuro this diffused light has absolutely no existence on the surface of the Moon.

These late days of tryst and happiness in the woods and on the hills were to be at an end, and he was again to be quite alone among his sheep with no voice to think on expectantly in slow-passing forenoons, and no light to shine like a friendly eye from Maam in evening dusks! "Well," she said, looking curiously at him. "My father is going abroad, have you heard?"

He found himself on a little balcony overlooking the hotel garden. He knew the place in daytime palms and shrubs and a graveled walk and painted chairs where he had drunk tea with Jinny and watched a Russian tourist beautifully smoking cigarettes. Now the place was strange. Night and a crescent moon had wrought their magic, and the garden was a mystery of velvet dusks and ivory pallors.

It reminded him with a shock that she had never seemed quite tireless since that long ride on Mitha Baba's neck. But never before had her face turned away from him. And now he saw a certain inimitable loveliness of her. There were no words to describe the last only that it was Spirit made of all the dusks and all the white fires.

In less than six months they passed from a bare goodnight to the exchange of soul thoughts on butter-making, the raising of calves, fattening of swine, and methods of feeding swedes that they might not taint cow's milk, and so had progressed by such tender paths through gentle dusks to the point where Timmins was ready to declare himself in the light of this present morning.

Listlessly the Senior Surgeon re-commenced his yearly vigil. Up and down, up and down, round and round, on and on and on, through interminable dusks to unattainable dawns, a glutted, bacchanalian Soul sweating its own way back to sanctity and leanness! Nerves always were in that vigil, raw, rattling nerves clamoring vociferously to be repacked in their sedatives.

It was not a place to inspire romance, yet every Saturday its benches were crowded with boys and girls who had no place to visit except on the street. Through the long spring dusks, with their tender skies and silver stars, Nance and Dan kept company, unconcerned with the past or the future, wholly content with the May-time of the present.

We sit before the row of evening lamps, Each in his chair, Forgetful of November dusks and damps, And wintry air. A little gulf of music intervenes, A bridge of sighs, Where still the cunning of the curtain screens Art's paradise.