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Updated: July 31, 2024

"The Travels are uncut, so is the Paul de Kock, so is the Ducange, so is that other thing on the chimney-piece, Considerations on Symbolism. I will throw that in; myths weary me to that degree that I will let you have the thing to spare myself the sight of the swarms of mites coming out of it." "But," asked Lucien, "how are you going to write your reviews?"

We will keep him waiting for his settlement, sell the Leonides for five francs net, settlement in six months, and " "And that will be fifteen hundred francs into our pockets," said Vidal. "Oh, I saw quite well that he was in a fix. He is giving Ducange four thousand francs for two thousand copies." Lucien cut Vidal short by appearing in the entrance of the den.

A Glossary of Slang, Cant, and Flash Phrases, used in London from 1839 to 1859; Flash Songs, Essays on Flash, and a Bibliography of Canting and Slang Literature. By DUCANGE ANGLICUS. Second Edition, improved and much enlarged. London: Bernard Quaritch. 1859. pp. 80. A Dictionary of Modern Slang, Cant, and Vulgar Words, etc., etc. By a London Antiquary.

Oh, it is agreed that we are to push Paul de Kock, Dauriat has taken two hundred copies, and Victor Ducange is refusing to give him his next. Dauriat wants to set up another man in the same line, he says. You must rate Paul de Kock above Ducange." "But I have a piece on with Ducange at the Gaite," said Lousteau. "Very well, tell him that I wrote the article.

Ducange has collected the evidence bearing on the use of the Latin term, and Semichon's admirable work, La Paix et la Trève de Dieu, première édition, 1857, deuxième édition revue et augmentée, 1869, sketches the growth of the movement.

Get rid of this element, let each man hit his own ball, and, in place of striking to a point say, the cemetery gate let menputtinto holes, and the Flemish game becomes golf. It is of great antiquity. Ducange, in his Lexicon of Low Latin, gives Choulla, French choule = “Globulus ligneus qui clava propellitur” a wooden ball struck with a club.

I may be wrong, but I suspect that one of the later uses of "actus," as quoted in Ducange, affected Spinoza's Latinity. Thus several ecclesiastical writers are quoted as using the word in the sense of office, or function. Surely this would suit Spinoza's definition of the mind. For he treats it as a centre of phenomenal activity amidst the infinite modes of the divine attribute. Corollarium.

"How many copies of Ducange did you place last journey?" asked Porchon of his partner. "Two hundred of Le Petit Vieillard de Calais, but to sell them I was obliged to cry down two books which pay in less commission, and uncommonly fine 'nightingales' they are now. "And besides," added Vidal, "Picard is bringing out some novels, as you know.

If plays are written expressly to be acted, how is it that the best of them can be always read?" And he awaited Dumouchel's reply. According to the professor, the immediate fate of a play proved nothing. The Misanthrope and Athalie are dying out. Zaïre is no longer understood. Who speaks to-day of Ducange or of Picard?

The SLANG Dictionaries are both as ill-done as possible, and the author of the smaller one deserves to be put under the pump for taking the name of the illustrious Ducange, one of those megatheria of erudition and industry that we should look on as an extinct species, but for such men as the brothers Grimm.

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