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Updated: August 4, 2024

"Dthat ees more your rôle, for if you pairmeet me to listen to your so beautiful Eenglish, I must learn much. But you will let me spik to you a leedle in Frainch, mademoiselle? Dthere air zome dthings I cannot say in Eenglish." We stop at the vessel's side, and in a glance across to Mrs. Steele I see her looking with wide-eyed amusement and a dash of concern at my companion.

"No, thank you." "Oh, I dthought you vould like." "Where is it?" "Yust ofer dthere, dthree steps dthat round house." "I'd better see it perhaps while I have time," I think, and I walk towards the circular building indicated. Baron de Bach keeps at my side. He tries the door shakes it but it is evidently locked; he leans down and looks through the keyhole.

On the way I told the policeman the whole story, which impressed him so that he crossed himself a half-dozen times, and uttered numerous ejaculatory prayers 'Maa dthe shaints presharve us, and 'Hivin hov mershy, and others of a like import. "'Waz dthe ghosht ov Dan O'Connell dthere? he asked. "Yes, I replied. 'I shook hands with it.

"Yes, in mine pawket, and I come dthree steps by a time up here to your door." "Heavens!" I say, "did you want to shoot me?" "No, I vould safe you!" "What was the pistol for?" "You zee a Peruvian vill dthink qvick by a time like zo he vill zay: 'I must safe dthe life of Señorita dthere vill be boats, but dthere vill be many to crowd in and all vill be lost.

A shiver runs over me again at the remembrance, but I try to draw away from the strong, close grasp. "You vill faint, Señorita I cannot let you go; dthere ees no seat here." He takes off my hat and fans me. "Zome boy try to frighten you," he says consolingly. Mrs. Steele calls from the other side: "Where are you, Blanche?"

"Well, I suppose you've ordered an album full of views," says Mrs. Baldwin, pleasantly trying to cover up the awkwardness of our return. "No," I answer, taken unawares, for by this time I have quite forgotten the object of my errand. "We found the gallery farther away than I expected, and " "Vhen ve get dthere it vas close," says the Baron in a calm, well-controlled voice.

From first to last I mentioned no name, but at the end I asked: "Now, can you tell me the name of the notary in that case?" "Yes." I felt a delicious tingling as I waited for the disclosure. He slowly said: "Dthere eeze wan troub' 'bout dat. To which case do you riffer? 'Cause, you know, dey got t'ree, four case' like dat.

Steele is scrambling into her robe de chambre, and has her head out of the porthole, while I, hardly awake even yet, lean in a bewildered way over the side of my berth to listen. "What has happened?" Mrs. Steele calls out. "Man overboard," answers one of the sailors; "we're lowering a boat." "Dthere ees no fear, Madame," says the Peruvian's voice outside.

"Dthere ees no fear; I haf mine pistol." But nevertheless I have a delightfully creepy sensation as we pass the occasional groups of evil-looking natives, and I keep close beside the muscular Peruvian, with a new sense of comfort in his presence. At the little hotel not far from the wharf the Baron orders supper, and then takes us into the market.

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