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They appreciated the value of the passing moments; M. Domini was waiting for them at Corbeil, and was doubtless getting impatient at their delay. Louis had just placed a sumptuous dish of fruit upon the table, when it occurred to M. Lecoq that Robelot was still shut up in the closet. "Probably the rascal needs something," said he.

"It was written in the sand and in fire: 'The fate of every man have we bound about his neck." In the dawn when, turning towards the rising sun, he prayed, he remembered Domini and her words: "Pray in the desert for us." And in the Garden of Allah he prayed to Allah for her, and for Androvsky.

The thought of wine had infused a gaiety into him and his companions. "Now, Monsieur, don't stand on ceremony," Domini said to the officer. "Go in and make your toilet. You are longing to, I know." "I am longing to look a little more decent now, Madame," he said gallantly, and gazing at her with a sparkle of admiration in his inflamed eyes.

Manners of English, French, and Americans. Landi's pictures. Funeral of a young girl. Trip to Tivoli, Subiaco. Procession of the Corpus Domini. Disagreeable experience.

On one of Hemony's bells dated 1674 and bearing the inscription, "Laudate Domini omnes Gentes," we noticed a long procession of cherub boys dancing and ringing flat hand bells such as are even now rung before the Host in street processions. Some of the inscriptions are barely legible because of the peculiarity of the Gothic letters.

Domini and Androvsky had already visited them by their bonfire, had received their compliments, watched the sword dance and the dance of the clubs, touched with their lips, or pretended to touch, the stem of a keef, listened to a marriage song warbled by Ali to the accompaniment of a flute and little drums, and applauded Ouardi's agility in leaping through the flames.

Domini got up from her chair and leaned over the parapet. A streak of yellow light from the doorway of the hotel lay upon the white road below, and in a moment she saw two figures come out from beneath the verandah and pause there. Hadj was one, the stranger was the other. The stranger struck a match and tried to light a cigar, but failed.

With each soft step the camel took they went a little farther from Beni-Mora, came a little nearer to that liberty of which Domini sometimes dreamed, to the smiling eyes and the lifted spheres of fire. She shut her eyes now. She did not want to see her husband or to touch his hand. She did not want to speak.

She paused, and they looked at each other for a moment in silence. Then she continued: "Surely it will be easier for you, happier for you." Androvsky clenched his right hand on the divan and turned round till he was facing her full. His eyes blazed. "Domini," he said, "you are truthful. I'll be truthful to you. Till the end of my life I'll think of you every day, every hour.

Batouch turned his horse without a word, and disappeared into the darkness of the distant palms. When they were alone together Domini and Androvsky sat silent on their horses for some minutes. Their faces were turned towards the desert, which was now luminous beneath the moon. Its loneliness was overpowering in the night, and made speech at first an impossibility, and even thought difficult.