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November an empty house, a buried house, you might say, off here on the outside shore way across the sand from man or beast. He got it out of her, not by what she said, but by the way she looked at what he said, that her husband had died, and she was runnin' off to hide herself, I guess. A person'd feel sorry for her if she weren't so stand-offish, and so doggon mean.

The logs of the raft began to creak. "Look out, sir, we're splitting! Let that doggon brute go " And the raft swerved out, the horses swimming, the freed mule plunging along the wooded shore, Wayland thrusting his long pole deep, almost to his hand-grip, to find bottom. "There's a nasty under current from the upper river," he said.

"But when she's too large-hearted to let you speak, and yet answers your unspoken word, once for all, with a compassion so modest that it seems as if it were you having compassion on her, she's harder to give up than " "Doggon her, Fred, I wouldn't give her up!" "Ah, this war, Hilary! I may never see her again. There's just one man in this world whom " "Oh, get out!" "I mean what I say.

Nichol wrinkled his scarred forehead, scratched his head, and hitched uneasily in his chair, evidently making a vain effort to penetrate the gloom back of that vague awakening in the Southern hospital. At last he broke out in his usual irritation, "Naw, I kyant, doggon " "Hush! you must not use that word here. Don't be discouraged.

But when she looked across the desk, the eyes had no appeal, the Search Light had turned on him. "You must excuse me if you heard what I was saying, when you came in, Miss Eleanor; but it was a G doggon lie! I had been angered: I had been angered very much; and that's a bad thing on a hot day." He was slipping back to the usual suavity.

Go! at once! before you're further implicated!" "And leave you to ?" "Oh, doggon me. The moment that boat's gun sounds if only you're out o' the way I'll make a try. Go! for Heaven's sake, go!" Instead, with an agony of fondness, she glided to him. Distress held him as fast and mute as at the flag presentation. But when she would have knelt he caught her elbows and held her up by force.

I love nonsense, doggon it, for its own sake! I love to get out under a sky like this and just reel and whoop in the pure joy of standing on a world that's whirling round!" "But you do please her. She's told me so." "Don't you believe her! I don't. I can't. I tell you, Fred, I could never trust a girl that forever looks so trustworthy! S'pose I should fall in love with her!