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To denounce democracy or aristocracy is easy enough; and it saves trouble to assume that God is on one side and the devil on the other.

The imperial edict empowered them "to chastise, degrade, denounce, and deliver over heretics to the secular judges for punishment; to make use of gaols, and to make arrests, without ordinary warrant, but merely with notice given to a single counselor, who was obliged to give sentence according to their desire, without application to the ordinary judge."

"You would denounce me?" he murmured, and the cry choked and toneless could scarce rise from the dry parched throat. "Yes!" she said. He uttered a violent curse. "You devil ... you ..." "You have time to go," she said calmly, "'tis a long while 'twixt now and dawn." He understood. She only would denounce him if he stayed. She wished him no evil, only desired him out of her sight.

Prophets could not be produced by training and education; prophets must be born. Reborn, that was the word. Let the Church have faith. Once her Cause were perceived, once her whole energy were directed towards its fulfilment, the prophets would arise, out of the East and out of the West, to stir mankind to higher effort, to denounce fearlessly the shortcomings and evils of the age.

But to Madelon they were precisely those sacred truths which lie hidden in our inmost hearts, and which, when once revealed to us, we cling to as our most steadfast law, and which to deny were to denounce our best and purest self.

I saw many instances of the iron rule with which the Southern Union men are kept in subjection. The strictest espionage was maintained through every order of society. The spies of the government would pretend to be Union men, and thus worm themselves into loyal societies; and when they had learned the names of the members, would denounce them to the government.

But one can easily imagine their effect upon a sympathetic or receptive audience, when delivered with flashing eye and deep-toned resonant voice by a man whose complexion and past history gave him the highest right to describe and denounce the iniquities of slavery and contend for the rights of a race.

Vauquelas rose from his kneeling posture, filled with consternation by what he had just heard. The extremity to which he was reduced was a cruel one; he must bribe the incorruptible Robespierre. When he made the promise to Coursegol he did not intend to fulfil it: he intended to denounce him; but the shrewdness of his partner had placed him in a most embarrassing position.

Highly respectable people the pride of their parish, when they heard of a lecture "upon the Mormons" -expected to see a solemn person, full of old saws and new statistics, who would denounce the sin of polygamy, and bray against polygamists with four-and-twenty boiling-water Baptist power of denunciation. These uncomfortable Christians do not like humour.

This is a war of conquest, and the spirit of the Crusades has been evoked to stimulate an ignorant and enthusiastic people. One of the points of the Russian party in England is to denounce and misrepresent the Crimean war.