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"For one of them, Hartley, I reply," said Deaker, "that he is of a better family than yourself; and don't imagine, my worthy fellow, that however you may browbeat others, you will be permitted to bully or browbeat me. I say, sir, there is better blood in my veins than ever ran through yours."

"Ask his father, Dick," said Hartley, smiling; "I have heard he was present, and, of course, he knows best." "I say, Vulture," inquired the other, "is it true?" "Ay," returned old Deaker, "as true as the nose on your face. That precious Phil, was a cowardly whelp all his life so was his father. D n you, sirra; where did you get your cowardice?

Deaker was a large man, with a rainbow protuberance before, whose chin, at the time we speak of, rested upon his breast, giving to him the exact character which he bore that of a man who to the last was studious of every sensual opportunity.

"Ah, Bob," replied Deaker, laughing; "there you are, one of the holy triad. Here, Baronet did you ever hear what Mad Jolly-block, their father, the drinking parson of Mount Carnal, as some one christened his residence, said of his three sons? and that chap there's one of them." "No; let us hear it."

Val, for years, knew his father's disposition too well to form any expectations whatsoever from him, and, indeed, it is but just to say that old Deaker took care not to allow him an opportunity of falling into a single misconception on the subject.

Now, it is necessary to say here, that amidst all this pretence of open villainy, there ran an undercurrent of cunning that might escape the observation of most men. In truth, old Deaker was not only a knave, but a most unscrupulous oppressor at heart, especially when he happened to get a man in his power from whom he wished to extort a favor, or on whom he wished to inflict an injury.

The whole thing was a cowardly trick on the part of your son, concocted by the aid of old Poll Doolin, for the purpose of injuring the girl's reputation." "Ay," said old Deaker, "I dare say you are right, Hartley, if Poll Doolin was in it; but, d n her, she's dangerous, even at a distance, if all that's said of her be true.

Among the latter, however, there was one, a young squire of very libertine principles, named Deaker, whose suit to the fair Miss Clank proved more successful than those of his competitors, and the consequence was the appearance of young Val.

The sessions of Castle Cumber having concluded as sessions usually conclude, we beg our reader to accompany us to Deaker Hall the residence of M'Clutchy's father, the squire.

Others were whistling or humming some favorite air; and one of them, a poet, was reading a squib which he had prepared for the forthcoming election. "Deaker, come here," said the Foreman, "you are up to everything. Here is Lucre, the parson, wants to have a presentment for a new line of road running through his glebe, or to his glebe for I suppose it is the same thing."