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The heroick youth obade. After a pause the offisser hentered the manshun. "Is thare any men in this 'ere hous?" sez he. "Not as I nose on," replied the damsell. "Then," sez the offisser, "I gess I'll stop awhile myself." He stopped a our. After witch he stopped anuther our; after witch he continuood to stop. During this time John Jones was garspin for breath.

I felt sumwhat alarmed, & arose & in a stentoewrian voice obsarved that if any lady or gentleman in that there kar had a krisis consealed abowt their persons they'd better projuce it to onct or suffer the konsequences. Several individoouls snickered rite out, while a putty little damsell rite behind me in a pinc gown made the observashun, "He, he."

Iohn Ortiz had notice by the damsell that had deliuered him from the fire, how her father was determined to sacrifice him the day following, who willed him to flee to Mocoço: for shee knew that he would vse him wel: for she heard say, that he had asked for him, and said hee would bee glad to see him: and because he knew not the way, she went with him halfe a league out of the towne by night, and set him in the way, and returned, because she would not be discouered.

The chronicler adds: "It was no marvell that the Duke of Clarence with so small persuasion and less exhorting turned from the Earl of Warwick's party, for, as you have heard before, this marchandise was laboured, conducted, and concluded by a damsell, when the duke was in the French court, to the earl's utter confusion."

Upon condition, sir, you will requite me But with one gentle favour. Cou. Any thing Sis. You must sitt downe and heare me then while I At a distance thus deliver Cou. Tis more state. Sis. I am most unfortunate. Cou. In what, deare Damsell? Sis. And much wrongd by a gentleman I lov'd. Cou. Can he be a gentleman that dares Wrong so much love and beauty? what's the offence? Sis. He wo'not love agen.

The chronicler adds: "It was no marvell that the Duke of Clarence with so small persuasion and less exhorting turned from the Earl of Warwick's party, for, as you have heard before, this marchandise was laboured, conducted, and concluded by a damsell, when the duke was in the French court, to the earl's utter confusion."

Ward & the twins had bin carried orf by Ryenosserhosses & that Baldinsville had bin captered by a army of Octoroons. When I awoked the lamps was a burnin dimly. Sum of the passinjers was a snorein like pawpusses & the little damsell in the pinc gown was a singin "Oft in the Silly nite."