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And, in truth, I am ashamed of myself; if shame could have a place in heaven, I should certainly be the most ashamed there. Why do we seek blessings and joys so great, bliss without end, and all at the cost of our good Jesus? Shall we not at least weep with the daughters of Jerusalem, if we do not help to carry his cross with the Cyrenean?

From him you have his promise we shall learn what Octavianus has in store for you." In truth, the Caesar did find the youth at the first gate of the palace, inspecting his superb Cyrenean horses. "Magnificent animals!" cried Octavianus; "a gift from the city! Will you drive with me? A remarkable, a very remarkable woman!" "Isn't she?" asked Dolabella eagerly. "Undoubtedly," replied the Caesar.

Some of the philosophers, such as Diagoras the Melian, Theodorus the Cyrenean, and Euemerus the Tegeatan, did deny unanimously that there were any gods; and Callimachus the Cyrenean discovered his mind concerning Euemerus in these Iambic verses, thus writing:

From him you have his promise we shall learn what Octavianus has in store for you." In truth, the Caesar did find the youth at the first gate of the palace, inspecting his superb Cyrenean horses. "Magnificent animals!" cried Octavianus; "a gift from the city! Will you drive with me? A remarkable, a very remarkable woman!" "Isn't she?" asked Dolabella eagerly. "Undoubtedly," replied the Caesar.

They were of a hideous crudity of design and composition, yet were wrought out with an innocent, unquestioning sincerity that was not without its charm. Each picture framed alike in gilt, bore its suitable inscription in staring black letters. "Simon, The Cyrenean, Helps Jesus to Carry His Cross." "Saint Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus." "Jesus Falls for the Fourth Time," and so on.

Why have the professional philosophers ever since that Master of Baliol who used to spend his time boring holes in the Ship that carried him "fought shy" of Pater's Philosophy? For a sufficient reason! Because, like Protagoras the Sophist, and like Aristippus the Cyrenean, he has undermined Metaphysic, by means of Metaphysic.

They do not care; but look! he has fainted! Some one is helping him now. God forever bless him! 'Tis Simon the Cyrenean who enjoys that precious privilege. Simon, the cross-bearer. I can not bear to witness any more. But I must. I must watch to the end. Oh! the awful thud, thud, THUD, as they hammer the spikes, the cruel spikes into his hands and feet, and he never once cringes.

According to our modern ideas, there is no transmission of moral demerit from father to son; no one is accountable to human or divine justice except for that which he himself has done. Consequently, every Jew who suffers to-day for the murder of Jesus has a right to complain, for he might have acted as did Simon the Cyrenean; at any rate, he might not have been with those who cried "Crucify him!"

And as these had never been concerned in public affairs, and one of them was a Cyrenean, the other a Babylonian, they certainly would never have been forced from their studies, nor chosen for that employment, unless the study of philosophy had been in vogue with some of the great men at that time; who, though they might employ their pens on other subjects some on civil law, others on oratory, others on the history of former times yet promoted this most extensive of all arts, the principle of living well, even more by their life than by their writings.

From him you have his promise we shall learn what Octavianus has in store for you." In truth, the Caesar did find the youth at the first gate of the palace, inspecting his superb Cyrenean horses. "Magnificent animals!" cried Octavianus; "a gift from the city! Will you drive with me? A remarkable, a very remarkable woman!" "Isn't she?" asked Dolabella eagerly. "Undoubtedly," replied the Caesar.