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In fact Vautrot, after passing on his part a most wretched night, did not feel his nerves equal in the morning to meeting the reception the Count possibly had in waiting for him. His letter was skilfully penned to put suspicion to sleep if it had not been fully roused, and if the Countess had not betrayed him.

For we must bear in mind what a man like Alfieri, in the heyday of his youth, his beauty, and that genius which was the indomitable energy and independence of his nature, must have been in the eyes of the Countess of Albany.

This particular Tuesday, toward ten o'clock in the evening, there were scarcely a dozen people in the drawing room. When she was only expecting intimate friends the countess opened neither the little drawing room nor the dining room. One felt more at home on such occasions and chatted round the fire.

He bore with the burden of an intolerable aunt of hers for her sake. The two fell to work to conspire. Aminta 'tired of travelling, Aminta must have a London house. She continually expressed a hope that 'she might set her eyes on Steignton some early day. In fact, she as good as confessed her scheme to plot for the acknowledged position of Countess of Ormont in the English social world.

"Not at all," she answered, with sudden coldness. "It was Goldbirn " "Yes," said the Countess, weakly, "it was Baron Goldbirn who insisted upon it, in spite of us." "Goldbirn Goldbirn," repeated the Princess vaguely. "The name has a familiar sound." "Your Highness has a current account with them in Vienna," observed Monsieur Leroy. "Yes, yes, certainly.

'After three years of married life, one evening when I came in I found a letter in which the Countess announced her flight. The letter did not lack dignity, for it is in the nature of women to preserve some virtues even when committing that horrible sin. The story is now that my wife went abroad in a ship that was wrecked; she is supposed to be dead. I have lived alone for seven years!

"I think," he went on, "that this attempt of the spiritualists to explain their marvels as some sort of new natural force is most futile. They boldly talk of spiritual force, and then try to subject it to material experiment." Every one was waiting for him to finish, and he felt it. "And I think you would be a first-rate medium," said Countess Nordston; "there's something enthusiastic in you."

"Allow me, Inspector," went on the colonel, "to introduce to you the Countess Sophie de Graf, late of Berlin, late of Delhi and Rangoon, now of 17 Leitrim Grove, Battersea Park Road." The woman faced Bray; and there was a terrified, hunted look in her eyes. "You are the inspector?" she asked. "I am," said Bray. "And a man I can see that," she went on, her flashing angrily at Hughes.

The women had always been unanimous in their opinion that they would all have been murdered by the marauders, had it not been for his interposition; and had also agreed that the most proper thing in the world, after what had happened, would be that the young countess should someday marry this brave young officer.

Your jewels and costly raiment you must have left behind; then whence comes all this wealth and luxury?" The Countess smiled.