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"If about twenty of the greatest scientists the world has ever known are right, coronium is well, call it curdled energy. The electric potentiality of Niagara in a pin point of dust of yellow fire. All right they or IT lost control. Every pin point swelled out into a Niagara.

Inside the crucible was a small ingot of coronium, the strong, hard, Venerian metal which melted at twenty-five hundred degrees centigrade and boiled at better than four thousand. The crucible was entirely enclosed in a large lux metal case which was lined, on the side away from the projector, with roughened relux. Arcot moved a switch on the control panel.

The heavy coronium spring grew warm and began to glow dully, while the ammeter dropped slightly because of the increased resistance. The relux plate cooled slightly, and the voltmeter remained steady. "The coil you see is storing the energy that is flowing into it," Arcot explained.

Their photographic registration by the latter in 1875 initiated the transformation of the slitless spectroscope into the prismatic camera. Meanwhile, the use of an ordinary spectroscope by Herschel and Tennant at Dodabetta showed the green ray of coronium to be just as bright in a rift as in the adjacent streamer.

It had value, though, in that it seemed to relieve his pent-up wrath. "Why, Wade, you don't seem to like that stuff. Maybe the difficulty lies in your treatment, rather than in the material itself. What have you tried?" "Everything! I took a coronium hack saw that will eat through molybdenum steel like so much cheese, and it just wore its teeth off.

"I haven't been using anywhere near the power I can get out of this apparatus, either. Watch." He threw another switch which shorted around the coronium resistor and the ammeter, allowing the current to run into the coil directly from the plate.

And what of that other unknown element we find glowing green in the far-flung nebulae green as that we had just passed through and that we call nebulium? Yet the sun is child of the nebulae as the earth is child of the sun and the moon is child of the earth. And what miracles are there in coronium and nebulium which, as the child of nebula and sun, we inherit?

Instead of 5,317, its true wave-length proved to be 5,303 ten millionths of a millimetre; nor does it make any show by absorption in dispersed sunlight. The originating substance, designated "coronium," of which nothing is known to terrestrial chemistry, continues luminous at least 300,000 miles above the sun's surface, and is hence presumably much lighter even than hydrogen.

Since the ship was made of the Venerian metal, coronium, which was only slightly magnetic, the plate was obviously the magnet's only load. "Never mind. I'll tell you later. Get an I-beam, say about twenty feet long, and see if you can't help lift that crazy mass. I think we ought to manage it that way." And so it proved.

It came to me that of the mysterious element which stains the sun's corona, that diadem seen only when our day star is in eclipse; the unknown element which science has named coronium, which never yet has been found on earth and that may be electricity in its one material form; electricity that is ponderable; force whose vibrations are keyed down to mass; power transmuted into substance.