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There were dragons chortling along the narrow street outside; when the sleepy armorer's boy began his work at half-past five the heavy clink and clank of plate and linked mail swelled to the echo of a marching cavalcade. A fog shut down at the first flare of dawn, and the room was grayish yellow at six when Wessel tiptoed to his cupboard bedchamber and pulled open the door.

Eddy has one very curious and interesting peculiarity: whenever she notices that she is chortling along without saying anything, she pulls up with a sudden "God is over us all," or some other sounding irrelevancy, and for the moment it seems to light up the whole district; then, before you can recover from the shock, she goes flitting pleasantly and meaninglessly along again, and you hurry hopefully after her, thinking you are going to get something this time; but as soon as she has led you far enough away from her turkey lot she takes to a tree.

Closing his eyes Baptiste heard the voice of an English Oxonian that perhaps should be chortling of polo and cricket and racing; and yet the more danger the youthfulness of the agent of destruction; like a Napoleon a corporal as a boy. "C'est la guerre!" the French officer murmured. Then, as a storm passing is often followed by smiling sunshine, so the mood of Nana Sahib changed.

Because he used to be so much taken up with a happy phrase in Horace that he would forget the presence of his class, and walk up and down before the fireplace, chortling aloud; and because sometimes he was so hoarse that he could only communicate with the class by signs, which they unanimously misunderstood.

Ashby appeared at the top of the landing to be greeted by: "Come and hear these letters. Where's Beverly?" "She will be down as soon as she changes her riding skirt." The boys snickered. Turning upon them the Admiral demanded: "What are you young scamps chortling about?" "Bev," answered his nephew. "Did you see her when she came in?" "Now what was the matter with her? She's usually all right."

Never for a moment did the authorities suspect that I had anything to do with the transaction. It was out of my ostensible line, so that I escaped suspicion. The chortling which took place at the complete discomfiture of the authorities and the manner in which they had been outwitted is recalled vividly to this day. It was one of many incidents which served to vary the monotony of camp life.

"Without concentration, Thomas, you are lost; concentrate, though your coat-tails be on fire. "Try your hand at description, and when you have done chortling over the result, reduce the whole by half without missing anything out. "Analyze your characters and their motives at the prodigious length in which you revel, and then, my sonny, cut your analysis out.

Some one had forgotten to take the key out of the padlock! He laughed shrilly, witlessly. Twenty seconds later he was out in the little anteroom or vestibule, panting and still chortling. The outer door opened readily to the lifting of the latch. He peeped out cautiously, warily.

And in the joy of triumph Peter let out a yelp. In that night-infested place, alive with hiding things, the yelp set loose weird rustlings in the tangled treetops, strange murmurings of chortling voices, and the nasty snapping of beaks that held in them the power to rend Peter's skinny body into a hundred bits.

He was pasting his specimens for him and stood a chance of marrying a very plain, pious cousin. Nana shed no tears for him. She simply said to the count: "Eh, little rough, another rival less! You're chortling today. But he was becoming serious! He wanted to marry me."