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Updated: August 13, 2024

A country attorney, Richards of Braintree, for whom I transact London business sent me the draught of a deed of separation to which the unfortunate lady, rather than continue to live with her husband, had consented for counsel's opinion. I had an interview with Mr. Harlowe himself upon the business; but I see he affects to have forgotten me.

As a farther illustration of Bunyan's sentiments on this subject, we give the following letter to the church at Braintree: 'The church of Christ in and about Bedford, to the church of Christ in and about Braintree, sendeth greeting, Grace be with you all. Written by the appointment of the church here, and subscribed, in her name, by your brethren, as followeth: John Bunyan Sam. Fenn. Oliver Stot.

Iron ore was discovered in the vicinity of these works at an early period, but no attempt was made to work it until 1643. The Braintree iron works, for which some have claimed precedence, were not commenced until 1647, in that part of the town known as Quincy. Among the artisans who found employment and scope for their mechanical skill at these works was Mr.

It was certainly a novelty to see Braintree diligently reading a book in his odd moments, but when it transpired that the book was Wobinson Cwusoe, that wonder ceased.

A sub-committee, consisting of Bowler, Braintree and Wester, was appointed to expend the funds of the adventurers to the best advantage, and meanwhile each member was asked to report what else he could contribute in the way of stores to the general need.

But lots of this country here has five or six hundred-year-old families still flourishing. That's why Essex is so much more genuinely Old England than Surrey, say, or Kent. Round here you'll find Corners and Fairlies, and then you get Capels, and then away down towards Dunmow and Braintree Maynards and Byngs.

"The Missouri question," replied the retired statesman of Braintree, "I hope, will follow the other waves under the ship and do no harm." Yet he appreciated the dangers of sectionalism under unscrupulous leaders.

John Quincy Adams, son of John and Abigail Adams, was born on the 11th of July, 1767, in the North Parish of Braintree, Massachusetts since incorporated as the town of Quincy. The lives and characters of his parents, intimately associated with the history of the American Revolution, have been already ably and faithfully illustrated. See "Letters of Mrs.

Bowler was the first up, and went round to wake the rest. "Howwid gwind," said Braintree, sitting up for a moment in bed and rubbing his eyes, and then subsiding again under the clothes. "Needn't get up yet, Bowler, it's long before cockcrow." "It's just on six o'clock, I tell you, and it'll spoil it all if we don't get away by a quarter past. Do get up, there's a good fellow."

This quaint document was carefully locked up, with some old deeds and other valuable papers, in his desk, by the "s:^d Samuel Wales," one hundred and thirty years ago. The desk was a rude, unpainted pine affair, and it reared itself on its four stilt-like legs in a corner of his kitchen, in his house in the South Precinct of Braintree.

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