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Updated: August 13, 2024

They are then ready for drying and twisting into cord. They make bow-strings of great elasticity and strength. The centre of Brazil is occupied by a high tableland, crossed by a series of serras, mostly running north and south. The most eastern, the Serra de Espinhaco, rises about one hundred miles from the coast, and the table-land extends from it westward for upwards of six hundred miles.

But if the Emperor in person commands the western army, I have no orders to guide me." Hojo Yoshitoki reflected for a time and then answered: "The sovereign cannot be opposed. If his Majesty be in personal command, then strip off your armour, cut your bow-strings, and assume the mien of low officials. But if the Emperor be not in command, then fight to the death.

Besides these, they make use of small flutes, bow-strings, elephants' teeth and bells; and at all their dances and concerts clapping of hands appears to constitute a necessary part of the chorus.

Like the Indians, they made themselves bows and arrows, using the sinews of the deer, or fresh thongs of leather, for bow-strings; and when they could not get game to eat, they boiled the inner bark of the slippery elm to jelly, or birch bark, and drank the sap of the sugar maple when they could get no water but melted snow only, which is unwholesome; at last, they even boiled their own mocassins."

Philip of France went out with his army, with bows and arrows, to fight King Edward III. of England; but just as they got into the critical moment of the battle, a shower of rain came and relaxed the bow-strings so that they were of no effect, and Philip and his army were worsted. And all your weaponry against God will be as nothing when he rains upon you discomfiture from the heavens.

"Nay, not so, Lord Harry," interrupted the third boy: "I have heard my uncle say, many a time, that England's archery is half her strength and how it was our archers at the battle of Crecy " "I know all that how the men of Genoa had wet bow-strings, and ours dry ones," said Henry; "but they were peasants, after all!" "Ay; but a King of England should know how to praise and value his good yeomen."

This time there was no vision of angels nor stars, no snapping of bow-strings, no throbbing of the heart nor change of scene, no magic and melodramatic drawing back of the curtain from the mysteries; the water and the bridge, the ragged black trees, and a distant boat that broke the silvery calm with an arrow of black ripples, all these things were still before him. But God was there too.

Alas, the son of a Suta hath kicked today the proud and beloved wife of those truthful personages, who are devoted to Brahmanas and who always give away without asking any thing in gift. Alas! the son of a Suta hath kicked today the proud and beloved wife of those, the sounds of whose kettle-drums and the twangs of whose bow-strings are ceaselessly heard.

His horse was renowned throughout Kabardia and, indeed, a better one it would be impossible to imagine! Not without good reason did all the other horsemen envy Kazbich, and on more than one occasion they had attempted to steal the horse, but they had never succeeded. I seem to see the animal before me now black as coal, with legs like bow-strings and eyes as fine as Bela's! How strong he was too!

A score of brazen throats screeched out their baffled rage. There was a twanging of bow-strings. The humming of arrow flight sung about my head. I heard the crash of some savage blazing away with his old flintlock. A deep-drawn breath, and I was cleaving the air. Then the murky, greenish waters splashed in my face, opened wide and closed over me. A tangle of green was at the soft, muddy bottom.

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