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It is a simple, elementary expedient by means of which every piece of historical evidence ever penned may be destroyed including all that which defames the House of Borgia.

There be those whose wives and sisters have been forced into the Borgia harem; there be those whose children have been tortured before their eyes, those who have seen the fairest and dearest slaughtered by these hell-hounds, who yet sit in the seat of the Lord and give decrees in the name of Christ. Is there a God? If there be, why is He silent?"

In Roderigo Borgia the people only saw, as yet, a man accomplished at all points, of handsome person, royal carriage, majestic presence, affable address. He was a brilliant orator, a passionate lover, a demigod of court pageantry and ecclesiastic parade qualities which, though they do not suit our notions of a churchman, imposed upon the taste of the Renaissance.

To make profit for the house of Borgia by fraud, sacrilege, and the dismemberment of nations, was the Papal policy. Their father, Galeotto Manfredi, had been murdered in 1488 by their mother, Francesca Bentivogli. How far, we may ask, were these dark crimes of violence actuated by astrological superstition?

Only a handful of people in Rome so much as knew of his existence. Yet no sooner was he dead than crowds flocked about him as about a dead saint. The General, Francis Borgia, ordered the body to be put into a coffin, which was an unusual thing at that time, and to be buried at the right hand of the high altar in the church. Meantime the Lord John Kostka still raged in Poland.

But that some day Madonna Paola's messenger would arrive bringing me the Borgia ring, I was as confident as that some day I must die. Two years went by, and we were in the Autumn of 1502, yet my faith knew no abating, my confidence was strong as ever. And, at last, that confidence was justified.

"News has reached us that Caesar Borgia is arming, at Rome, a condotta to invade Babbiano, and the people are exasperated at Gian Maria's continued absence in such a season. They are short-sighted in this, for they overlook the results that must attend the alliance with Urbino. May God protect and prosper your Excellency, whose most devoted servant is

There were great ladies, good and bad, like Vittoria Colonna and Lucrezia Borgia, who were scholars, and even Greek scholars, and probably equal to any students of their time.

It was shortly afterward that she appeared in the gymnasium doorway, and cried, in an accusing voice: "Well, Mr. Speed!" "Yes, quite well." "You traitor!" "You modern Borgia! Didn't you go and tell Helen everything?" "Didn't you promise to stop Culver?" "I did. I had him thrown in jail at Omaha. What more could I do?" "You did try? Honestly?" Mrs. Keap allowed her indignation to abate slightly.

"Alexander's Wine" refers to the infamous Roderic Borgia, historically celebrated as Pope Alexander the Sixth. He was accidentally, and most deservedly, killed by drinking one of the Borgia poisons, in a bowl of wine which he had prepared for another person.