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Updated: August 29, 2024

"You may have one half and I will take the other, and then we shall each have a tree." "All right," said Ca Boo-Ug; "which half will you take?" Ca Matsin did not think the roots looked very pretty, and so he chose the upper part. Ca Boo-Ug knew a thing or two about bananas, so he said nothing, and each took his part and planted it.

In the dry season the banana-trees all died and the cocoanut-trees bore no fruit, so a troop of monkeys came to Ca Boo-Ug and asked him if he would give them something to eat. "Yes, I have some nice meat in a jar which I will give you, but if I do, you must promise to eat it with your eyes shut." They were very hungry, so they gave the required promise, and Ca Boo-Ug gave them the meat.

One day a turtle, whose name was Ca Boo-Ug, and a monkey, Ca Matsin, met on the shore of a pond. While they were talking, they noticed a banana plant floating in the water. "Jump in and get it," said Ca Matsin, who could not swim, "and we will plant it, and some day we will have some bananas of our own." So Ca Boo-Ug swam out and brought the plant to shore. "Let's cut it in two," said Ca Matsin.

Having heard the crows talking of the proposed race, as they perched on the edge of the wells to drink, they determined to help their cousin to win it, and so, as the deer came to each well, there was always a snail ready to stick his head out and answer, "Here I am" to the deer's inquiry. Story of Ca Matsin and Ca Boo-Ug.

Of course when the monkeys found that Ca Boo-Ug did not wish to be thrown into the pond, they thought they had found just the way to kill him. So, in spite of his struggles, they picked him up and threw him far out into the pond. To their surprise and chagrin, Ca Boo-Ug stuck his head out of the water and laughed at them, and then turned around and swam off.

So they drank and drank, until they all burst. When Ca Boo-Ug saw that the monkeys were all dead, he crawled up on the bank, and there he lived happily ever after. W. H. Millington and Berton L. Maxfield. Brooklyn, N.Y. Tagalog Folk-Tales. Juan Gathers Guavas. The guavas were ripe, and Juan's father sent him to gather enough for the family and for the neighbors who came to visit them.

When he had eaten all he wanted, he jumped out of the tree and ran away to the woods, laughing at Ca Boo-Ug. Ca Boo-Ug did not say anything, but just sat down and thought what he should do to get even with Ca Matsin. Finally, he gathered a lot of bamboo sticks and planted them around the tree with the sharp points up, covering them with leaves so that they could not be seen.

When the monkeys saw how they had been deceived, they were very much disappointed, and began to plan how they could catch Ca Boo-Ug again. So they called to a big fish, named Botete, that lived in the pond: "Botete! Drink all you can of the water in the pond and help us find the bag of gold that we hid in it. If you will help us find it, you shall have half of the gold."

When Ca Boo-Ug saw that the monkeys were all dead, he crawled up on the bank, and there he lived happily ever after. Another version ends as follows: When the monkeys saw how they had been deceived, they were very much disappointed and began to plan how they could catch Ca Boo-Ug again. They decided to drink all the water in the pond, and then they could catch Ca Boo-Ug before he could escape.

Then he sat down and waited. As soon as Ca Matsin got hungry again, he went around to Ca Boo-Ug's garden to get some more bananas. Ca Boo-Ug seemed glad to see him, and when Ca Matsin asked for some bananas, replied: "All right, you may have all you want, but on one condition. When you jump out of the tree you must not touch those leaves. You must jump over them."

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