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Updated: August 29, 2024

"Come on! let's see the beginning." The second half of the game proved, if anything, more exciting than the first. Two wickets fell before 10 appeared on the telegraph. "Oh, we shall lick them easily!" cried "Rats" jubilantly; while Fletcher junior gave vent to his feelings by handing Bibbs's bag of sweets round to the company.

Bibbs looked startled; then timidity overwhelmed him a profound shyness. He bent his head and fixed his lowered eyes upon the toe of his shoe, which he moved to and fro upon the rug, like a culprit called to the desk in school. "What would you do? Loaf?" "No, sir." Bibbs's voice was almost inaudible, and what little sound it made was unquestionably a guilty sound. "I suppose I'd I'd " "Well?"

But the small boys were not fastidious; and as each one had two helpings, which they ate as slowly as possible to prolong the enjoyment, they were still refreshing themselves when the home team moved out to field. "Look sharp!" cried "Rats," giving Bibbs's elbow a sudden jerk which caused that worthy to plaster the end of his nose with the remains of his third ice.

Two men came from the crowd behind her, talking earnestly, and started across. Both wore black; one was tall and broad and thick, and the other was taller, but noticeably slender. And Mary caught her breath, for they were Bibbs and his father. They did not see her, and she caught a phrase in Bibbs's mellow voice, which had taken a crisper ring: "Sixty-eight thousand dollars?

I was talkin' about Bibbs's case with him this morning. Well, you'd laugh to hear the way ole Gurney talks about THAT! 'Course he IS just as much a friend as he is doctor and he takes as much interest in Bibbs as if he was in the family.

The harsh roar of the city came in through the open window, continuously beating upon Bibbs's ear until he began to distinguish a pulsation in it a broken and irregular cadence. It seemed to him that it was like a titanic voice, discordant, hoarse, rustily metallic the voice of the god, Bigness. And the voice summoned Bibbs as it summoned all its servants. "Come and work!" it seemed to yell.

Made me so mad I just wouldn't even admit to myself it WAS hurt and so, by and by, ole Doc Gurney had to take kind o' radical measures with me. He's a right good doctor, too. Don't you think so, Miss Vertrees?" "Yes." "Yes, he is so!" Sheridan now had the air of a rambling talker and gossip with all day on his hands. "Take him on Bibbs's case.

Have you ever asked your father for one?" "No," said Mary. "I don't think I'd care for one particularly." "I wish you would." Bibbs's tone was earnest and troubled. "I think in winter you " "No, no," she interrupted, lightly. "I don't need " "But my mother tried to insist on sending one over here every afternoon for me. I wouldn't let her, because I like the walk, but a girl "

Sheridan's handkerchief and powder. "Yes, yes," murmured the good woman. "We mustn't make the worst of things." "Well, there was something else I had to say, and he wants you to hear it, too," said Sibyl. "We better go down, mother Sheridan." She led the way, Mrs. Sheridan following obediently, but when they came to a spot close by Bibbs's door, Sibyl stopped.

Uncle Gideon, reassured by Bibbs's explanation, would have returned to finish his quotation from Bildad the Shuhite, but Bibbs detained him, and after a little argument persuaded him to descend to the dining-room whither Bibbs followed, after closing the door of his father's room.

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