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Updated: August 10, 2024

There are sufficient indications that Warwick and all the other English chiefs except the highest one the Cardinal of Winchester were not let into the secret, also, that only Loyseleur and Beaupere, on the French side, knew the scheme. Sometimes I have doubted if even Loyseleur and Beaupere knew the whole of it at first. However, if any did, it was these two.

They could not sail her outside of definite limits, now; her course was over a charted sea, henceforth. The Bishop had granted more than he had intended, and more than he would honestly try to abide by. By command, Beaupere resumed his examination of the accused. It being Lent, there might be a chance to catch her neglecting some detail of her religious duties.

'None, said Joan; and she added, on being questioned as to her feeling about the sword, that she had a particular liking for it, from its having been found in the Church of Sainte Catherine, her favourite saint. Then Beaupère inquired whether Joan was not in the habit of placing this sword on the altar, in order to bring it good luck. Joan answered in the negative.

The crowd of spectators broke out with applause which pleased Joan and there was many a friendly and petting smile to be seen. But Cauchon stormed at the people and warned them to keep still and mind their manners. Beaupere asked other questions. Then: "Had you other occupations at home?" "Yes. I helped my mother in the household work and went to the pastures with the sheep and the cattle."

'I have already answered, said Joan, 'that I do not remember if he asked me. This evidence was made known when I was at Poitiers. 'And the doctors who examined you, asked Beaupère, 'at Poitiers, did they not want to know regarding your being dressed in man's clothes?

Joan of Arc had never for a moment supposed that it was owing to her presence and her prayers that this miracle had occurred. 'But, asked Beaupère, 'was it not the common talk of the town of Lagny that you had performed this miracle, and had been the means of restoring the infant to life? 'I did not inquire, she said.

Would, she cried, 'that every one could hear them as well as I do myself! Beaupère then asked her about her childhood, and when she had first heard the voices. Asked if there were many people at Domremy in favour of the Burgundians, she said she only knew of one individual. Then came a string of questions about the fairy-well, the haunted oak-tree. All these questions Joan fully answered.

Then Beaupère broke in again, and asked Joan of Arc if the voice had ever altered its advice, and whether it had told Joan not to answer all the questions that would be put to her. 'I cannot answer you about that, said Joan. 'I have revelations of matters concerning the King which I shall not reveal.

Many of the questions which follow are so trivial and are so evidently instinct with evil meaning, that it seems a wrong to Beaupere to impute the whole of the interrogatory to him; other questions were evidently interposed by the excited assembly. Asked, if St. Catherine and St. Margaret talked with her under the tree of which mention had been made above, she answered, "I know nothing about it."

"I do not know if it be the wish of God." She was pensive a moment or two, busy with her thoughts and far away, no doubt; then she added a remark in which Beaupere, always watchful, always alert, detected a possible opening a chance to set a trap. Do you think he jumped at it instantly, betraying the joy he had in his mind, as a young hand at craft and artifice would do?

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