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Updated: August 23, 2024

Address your next letter, "Hotel de Baviere", Munich, whence it will be forwarded to me. I cannot say, for the present, where we shall make a longer stay. About September 20th we shall once more pass through Munich, and shall be back here on October 1st at the latest.

Le lendemain de notre arrivée, un gentilhomme de Bavière vint saluer mondit seigneur de Valse. Messire Jacques Trousset, averti de sa venue, annonça qu'il alloit le faire pendre

She had said, further, that when the King my husband returned to Baviere, he had resolved to go to Pau, and that I should go with him, whether I would or not. This intelligence was far from being agreeable to me, and I knew not what to think of it.

"Do I not wear the crown of France?" "So did Charles IX," was the unmoved reply; "yet he died to make way for Henri III. Concini and his wife, Sire, come from the same country as Catherine de Medicis. Isabeau de Bavière was a mother, yet she preferred her lover to her son." "Enough, enough, Sir," said Louis, clutching the hilt of his sword; "I will hear no more, lest it should make me mad!"

The president passed to me a choicely bound volume, in which was contained the original edition, published in 1788, of the letters of Charlotte Elizabeth de Baviere, widow of the Duke of Orleans, the only brother of Louis XIV, and, while I was transcribing the passage already quoted, he said: "But, gentlemen, you must all have received at your houses the notification in which the second question is stated."

Hugh, one could fancy clam-soup just now, eh!" "Clam-soup, sir, well made, is one of the most delicious soups in the world. If the cooks of Paris could get hold of the dish, it would set them up for a whole season." "What is 'crême de Bavière, and all such nick-nacks, boy, to a good plateful of clam-soup? Well made, as you say made as a cook of Jennings used to make it, thirty years since.

A Lanchperch je quittai la Bavière pour entrer en Souabe, et passai par Meindelahan (Mindelheim), qui est au duc; par Mamines (Memingen), ville d'Empire, et de l

Its historic and romantic memories of the sword and cloak period of gallantry were many, but the edifice was demolished by the order of Catherine de Médici. In the palace Charles VI was confined, during the period of his insanity, by order of the cruel Isabeau de Bavière.

He continued to press me to accompany him, but at length I prevailed with him to consent to go without me, and to take her with him, and, with her, two of her companions, Rebours and Ville-Savin, together with the governess. They set out accordingly, and I waited their return at Baviere. I had every day news from Rebours, informing me how matters went.

"It is done, ma chérie," declared Tanrade, in reply to an imperative inquiry from Alice. "Bavière shall have the whole of the second act to-morrow." "And the ballet in the third?" she asked sternly, lifting her brilliant eyes.

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