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In another week she would report back to the city whose name she bore, where her space-weary crew, worn by their long "trick" in the awesomely oppressive depths of the limitless void, would enjoy to the full their fortnight of refreshing planetary leave.

Slowly the end of the bar dulled with swift oxidation; slowly it turned brownish and flaked away, almost entirely consumed. The acid if that was what the red stuff was was awesomely powerful, at least with inorganic substances. The termite team turned away from the bar, as if it were now a matter of indifference to the bloated brain borne on their backs. It approached the men again.

"Well," said the sister Serene, "you know that stylish young widow that came a while ago to the Moosehead the one that wore the splendid black silk the night o' the ball?" "Yes." "She was a detective," this in a whisper. "What!" said the other two, awesomely. "A detective." Then a quick movement of chairs and a pulling of yarn.

A breeze fluttered sash ends and tugged at cloaks, otherwise the assembly was motionless and awesomely quiet. Still making no overtures Van Rycke crossed to a stool and table which stood a little apart and seated himself. Dane went into the action required of him.

The light of the electric lamp glaring on his manuscript pained his eyes, and he turned it out, leaving the room in the dim light of the fire. The man-servant entered with a tray. 'Will you have the light on, sir? 'No, thanks, Smith. Just leave the things on the table. 'Thank you, sir. Good-night, sir. 'Good-night, Smith. The room was strangely, awesomely quiet.

She peered into its sea-green depths awesomely. It resembled a toothless mouth gaping slowly open, ready enough to swallow her, but too inert to put forth the necessary effort. And the thought reminded her of something. She halted and turned to Bower. "Ought we not to be roped?" she asked. He laughed, with the quiet confidence of the expert mountaineer. "Why?" he cried. "The way is clear.

The little bells fastened to his harness tinkled a sleepily monotonous tune. For a time the wagon continued to roll through the fir nursery as between quiet blue walls, then the forest came to an end, and the high road was before them and broad fields. Over all of it lay a hot, pale yellow dust-film. The countryside seemed to Billy so awesomely bare. "We see no people," she said.

Sandford to hear. "What is it, Daisy?" "Yes," said the doctor, "I should like to know what the argument is." "Papa," said Daisy, awesomely, "there is a place prepared for the devil and his angels." Mr. Randolph was silent now. But he felt again that Daisy was nervously excited, by the quiver that passed over her little frame.

The hall was wide and cold, and, oh, so clean "fearful clean," thought the new pupil with a sigh, as she stepped gingerly over the polished oilcloth and gazed awesomely at spotless wood and burnished brass.