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Do you know what I should have done if we had been taken before the ataman? You don't know? I'd have told him that you had tried to drown me, and I should have begun to cry. Then they would have been sorry for me, and wouldn't have put me in prison! Do you see?" At first I tried to make myself believe that it was a joke; but, alas! he succeeded in convincing me he meant it seriously.

Another part of the letter told how General Bakitch and the six thousand men who had been interned with him by the Chinese authorities on the River Amyl had received arms and started to join with Ataman Annenkoff, who had been interned in Kuldja, with the ultimate intention of linking up with Baron Ungern.

Give him his money?" shouted the undaunted woman. "What money?" I exclaimed, astonished. "Give it back at once; or I'll take you before the ataman! Return the hundred and fifty roubles, which you borrowed from him in Odessa!" What was I to do? The drunken creature might really go and complain to the Ataman; the Atamans were always very severe on any kind of tramp, and he might arrest us.

Some ragged wretches brought out the dead man's body. "I'll teach you! You just wait!" thundered the Inspector at Kuvalda. "How now, ataman?" asked Petunikoff maliciously, excited and pleased at the sight of his enemy in bonds. "That, you fell into the trap? Eh? You just wait. . ." But Kuvalda was quiet now.

Michael began to give way. "There will be no trouble if you don't let your tongue wag. If the ataman should hear of it, we might get into a scrape, and they also. We have our work to do, and they have to be getting on. Is it far you have to go?" asked the old man again, though I had told him once before I was bound for Tiflis. "That's a long way yet.

"Well," said Michael, at last, addressing no one in particular. "Shall we take them to the ataman, or straight to the custom house officers?" "So that's to be the end!" I thought to myself. Nobody replied to Michael's question. Shakro went on quietly with his eating, and said nothing. "We could take them to the ataman or we could take them to the custom house.

In the saddle bags we also found tea, tobacco, matches and cartridges all of these valuable supplies to help us keep further hold on our lives. Two days later we were approaching the shore of the River Uri when we met two Russian riders, who were the Cossacks of a certain Ataman Sutunin, acting against the Bolsheviki in the valley of the River Selenga.

"Are we to let them go, then?" asked Michael. The other two shepherds looked up at the old man. "What can they do here?" "Did we not intend to take them either to the ataman or to the custom house?" asked Michael, in a disappointed tone. Shakro stirred uneasily in his seat near the fire, and poked out his head inquiringly from beneath the overcoat. He was quite serene.