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For five days Grant had been in the saddle personally conducting the pursuit with restless energy, and he knew that he was now in a position to strike a crushing blow, but instead of ordering a merciless attack, he sent the following letter to Lee: "Headquarters Armies of the U.S. "5 P.M. Apr. 7, 1865. "General R. E. Lee, Commanding Confederate States Armies.

Apr. 23. Brite and fair. i filled up the geese pond. it was sunday but it was after dark. Apr. 24.

Apr. 5. Brite and fair. last nite father told me to cut the eyes out of a lot of potatose to plant. so this noon and after school me and Keene and Cele cut out the eyes of the potatose. we raced to see which wood beet, i had a sharp spoon handel, Keene a darning needle, and Cele a pen-nife. we had 3 cups to put the eyes in and when we got the eyes all dug out we counted the eyes.

Rany Franky fell out of bed last nite. father said it was my falt. the baby had the crupe. father says something is always the matter. Apr. 14. clowdy but no rane. beany has got a dog, it is black and tan, not 2 dogs but jest 1. his name is Gip and he can fite. Apr. 15. still clowdy. Frank Hanes has got a dog like Beanys. his name is Dime, i bet he can fite.

Brite and fair. when father came home i told him i had filled up the geese pond and he asked me where the tub was and when i said i had filled it up he said i was a loonatic and dident know enuf to go in when it raned. so he made me dig out the tub and fill in the hole. i tell you i have to wirk prety hard. Apr. 25.

Down in their dugouts the Salvation Army folks imperturbably handed out doughnuts and dished out the 'drink." 45, Avenue Montaigne, Paris. Commander Evangeline Booth, Apr. 8, 1919. Salvation Army, New York City. MY DEAR COMMANDER BOOTH: The work of the Salvation Army with the armed forces of the United States does not need any word of commendation from me.

East. of Lunar Distances. d " d " W. E. Manakalongwe Pass. 22 55 52 . . . 1853, Jan. 26 Letloche. 22 38 0 . . . Jan. 28 Kanne. 22 26 56 . . . Jan. 31 Lotlokane, where the first 21 27 47 . . . Feb. 11, 12 Palmyra-trees occur. N'gwa Valley, half mile 18 27 20 24 13 36 Apr. 17 N. of hill. E. of and in parallel of 18 20 0 . . . Apr. 17 Wagon Station of 1851.

Dal Gilmor has got a old goose whitch is more then 30 years old. i bet he is tuf. Apr. 12.

The simple and pleasing ceremony in the case of Syam Dass presented a contrast to the prolonged, expensive, and obscene rites of the Hindoos, which attracted the people. When, the year after, a Christian Brahman was united to a daughter of Krishna Pal, in the presence of more than a hundred Hindoos, the unity of all in Christ Jesus was still more marked: "Apr. 4, 1803.

Apr. 30. brite and fair. after church today we went round to see if we cood get a place to keep our horse. we asked Noot Crumet but Noot he said he dident have enny place to put her unles he give her his room and he told us to go to Bucher Haly and see if we coodent get a chanse to put her in his smoke house for we cood keep her longer there than enny where else and so we went to him and he chased us out of his yard. then we went to Charles Flanders but he dident have but one room and his shed wasent big enuf to keep a gote, and then we went over to old Jethrow Simpsons and Jethrow he said if we wood help him haul wood enuf to fill his shed we cood keep her in his barn as long as we wanted to and have enuf hay two.