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Among those, then, who lost their lives in this unhappy war, was M. Bibulus, who, though not a professed orator, was a very accurate writer, and a solid and experienced advocate: and Appius Claudius, your father-in-law, and my colleague and intimate acquaintance, who was not only a hard student, and a man of learning, but a practised Orator, a skilful Augurist and Civilian, and a thorough Adept in the Roman History.

Of works composed at this period posterity could point to nothing but a sort of Roman "Works and Days" counsels of a farmer to his son, and the already-mentioned Pythagorean poems of Appius Claudius the first commencement of Roman poetry after the Hellenic type. Nothing of the poems of this epoch has survived but one or two epitaphs in Saturnian measure. Roman Historical Composition

When the determined spirit of Appius, undaunted by these things, wished to exercise severity still further, and he summoned a meeting, the lieutenant-generals and tribunes flock around him, advising him "that he would not determine on venturing a trial of an authority, the entire strength of which lay in the acquiescence of those who were to obey.

I desire one mistress for my heart, one purpose for my conduct, and one great master for my country." "The gods grant them!" said Augustus, leading the applause. "And now I shall proclaim the word he has written. It is 'Arria, and stands, I know well, for the sister of Appius." He turned quickly to the still and silent figure of the slave behind him. All eyes were now watching her.

When Marcus Appius, in the opening of some speech in a court of justice, said that his friend had desired him to employ industry, eloquence, and fidelity in that cause, Cicero answered, "And how have you had the heart not to accede to any one of his requests?" To use this sharp raillery against opponents and antagonists in judicial pleading seems allowable rhetoric.

The consuls Caius Claudius, the son of Appius, and Publius Valerius Publicola, found the state in a more tranquil condition. The new year had brought with it nothing new; the thoughts about carrying the law, or submitting to it, engrossed all the members of the state.

Fabia had struck the right note. Only a few days before Appius Claudius, the censor, had tried to strike Curio's name from the rolls of the Senate. Piso, the other censor, had resisted. There had been an angry debate in the Senate, and Marcellus had inveighed against the Cæsarian tribune, and had joined in a furious war of words.

Stands there like the father of Virginia thinking of Appius Claudius. Was employed as foreman at Fortune, East and Sabre's. Had seen the body and identified it. So on, so on. "Then Humpo gets on to him. Was his daughter the sort of girl to meditate taking her life? 'Never! Never! Great rending cry that went down to your marrow.

Not that the act itself was so exorbitant, or of a complexion different from what they themselves would have applauded upon another occasion in a Brutus, or an Appius but for want of attending to Antonio's words, which palpably led to the expectation of no less dire an event, instead of being seduced by his manner, which seemed to promise a sleep of a less alarming nature than it was his cue to inflict upon Elvira, they found themselves betrayed into an accompliceship of murder, a perfect misprision of parricide, while they dreamed of nothing less.

As some scourge from hell must have been the presence of such governors as Appius and his predecessors among a people timid but industrious like these Asiatic Greeks. Like an unknown, unexpected blessing, direct from heaven, must have been the coming of a Cicero. Now I will tell the story of Brutus and Scaptius and their money premising that it has been told by Mr.