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Without fermentation, or working, no worts, however rich, can inebriate. Liquorice root is pleasant, wholesome, and aperient; and opposes the astringent qualities of some of the other ingredients; it ought therefore to be used, as should Spanish liquorice, which possesses the same properties.

Before giving an infant a particle of aperient medicine, try, if the bowels are costive, the effect of a little raw sugar and water, either half a tea-spoonful of raw sugar dissolved in a tea-spoonful or two of water, or give him, out of your fingers, half a tea-spoonful of raw sugar to eat.

In more confirmed palsy, the charge, or plaster on the loins, is added to the action of the aperient on the bowels. The process may be somewhat slow, but it is seldom that the dog does not ultimately and perfectly recover. It is easy to explain this connexion, although we should have scarcely supposed that it would have been so intimate, had not frequent experience forced it on our observation.

It has a rough somewhat acrid taste, and abounds with a red viscid juice; its rough taste has gained it some esteem as an astringent; its acrimony as an aperient; and its glutinous quality as a vulnerary: the present practice takes little notice of it in any intention. CHELIDONIUM majus. GREAT CELANDINE. The Leaves and Juice.

You can't have a club room without mahogany tables, you can't have mahogany tables without magazines Longmans, with a serial by Rider Haggard, the Nineteenth Century, with an article, "The Rehabilitation of the Pimp in Modern Society," by W.E. Gladstone a dulness that's a purge to good spirits, an aperient to enthusiasm; in a word, a dulness that's worth a thousand a year.

Tea has also a similar effect, also large quantities of meat. Constipation is seldom found in vegetarians, since vegetables and fruits act as a stimulus to the intestine. Brown bread and oatmeal porridge have also an aperient effect. If it is suspected that milk has been a cause of constipation in any particular case, it may be boiled and used with coffee instead of tea.

Newman's first act was to compel Nicholas, with gentle force, to swallow half of the punch at a breath, nearly boiling as it was; and his next, to pour the remainder down the throat of Smike, who, never having tasted anything stronger than aperient medicine in his whole life, exhibited various odd manifestations of surprise and delight, during the passage of the liquor down his throat, and turned up his eyes most emphatically when it was all gone.

There was more watery discharge from the eyes, which appeared to be red and impatient of light; the nose continued cool, and the dog did not refuse his food. An aperient ball was given; and twice afterwards in the day, the nitre, antimonial powder, and digitalis. 30th. The cough is as frequent, but not very loud.

Senna is an admirable aperient for a child, and is a safe one, which is more than can be said of many others. Of course, you yourself will be able, from time to time, as the need arises, to add the milk and the sugar, and thus to make it palatable. Some mothers are in the habit of giving their children jalap gingerbread.

It is now proved that the giving of medicine to a babe immediately after birth is unnecessary, nay, that it is hurtful that is, provided he be early put to the breast, as the mother's first milk is generally sufficient to open the bowels. The advice of Sir Charles Locock to give no aperient to a new-born infant is most valuable, and ought to be strictly followed.