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A wet compress to the bowels will frequently open them, and will thus do away with the necessity of giving an aperient a most important consideration.

It is considered as a powerful diaphoretic, diuretic, and antiscorbutic. Woodville's Med. Bot. EUPATORIUM cannabinum. HEMP AGRIMONY, &c. Leaves. They are greatly recommended for strengthening the tone of the viscera, and as an aperient; and said to have excellent effects in the dropsy, jaundice, cachexies, and scorbutic disorders.

Water elevates their flavour in distillation; and rectified spirit extracts it by infusion. They have been recommended in hysteric cases. TEUCRIUM Chamaepitys. GROUND PINE. The Leaves. These are recommended as aperient and vulnerary, as also in gouty and rheumatic pains. THYMUS vulgaris. THYME. The Leaves and Flowers.

If his gums be not inflamed, and no tooth appears near, let her look well to the state of his bowels; let her ascertain that they be sufficiently opened, and that the stools be of a proper consistence, colour, and smell. If they be neither the one nor the other, give a dose of aperient medicine, which will generally put all to rights.

The leaves of the plant discover a viscid sweetishness, accompanied with a more durable saponaceous pungency and warmth: these seem capable of answering some useful purposes, as a stimulating, aperient, antiscorbutic medicine. CANNABIS sativa. HEMP. The Seeds. They are also said to be useful in incontinence of urine; but experience does not warrant their having any virtues of this kind.

The berries of this plant are likewise purgative, but less virulent than the other parts. A rob prepared from them may be given to the quantity of an ounce, as a cathartic; and in smaller ones as an aperient and deobstruent in chronic disorders: in this last intention, it is said by Haller to be frequently used in Switzerland, in the dose of a dram. SANICULA officinalis. SANICLE. The Leaves.

The cause of nettle-rash may commonly be traced to improper feeding; although, occasionally, it proceeds from teething. What to do. It is a complaint of no danger, and readily gives way to a mild aperient, and to attention to diet. There is nothing better to relieve the irritation of the skin than a warm bath. If it be a severe attack of nettle-rash, by all means call in a medical man.

E. Is antiseptic, attenuant, aperient, and diuretic, and is said to open obstructions of the viscera and remoter glands, without heating or irritating the system. It has long been considered as the most effectual of all the antiscorbutic plants; and its sensible qualities are sufficiently powerful to confirm this opinion.