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These qualities point out its use in a flaccid state of the vessels, and a sluggishness of the juices: the natural evacuations are in some measure restrained or promoted by it, where the excess or deficiency proceeds from this cause. Hence some have recommended it as an astringent in dysenteries, a diuretic, and others as an aperient and deobstruent in scrophulous habits. SYMPHYTUM officinale.

You had a great objection to a mother administering calomel either to an infant or to a child, have you the same objection to a boy or a girl taking it when he or she requires an aperient? Equally as great. It is my firm belief that the frequent use, or rather the abuse, of calomel and of other preparations of mercury, is often a source of liver disease and an exciter of scrofula.

One sometimes feels forced to the conclusion that an absolute disqualification to speak on any subject is a condition precedent of procuring belief. Certainly a claim to inspiration enlists disciples quicker than the most subtle argument; acts, so to speak, as an aperient to the mind a sort of intellectual Epsom Salts.

Prior to the application of the pitch plaster the hair was closely shorn off. Thus bound up, the dog was replaced in his hamper, and had some aperient medicine given to him. '8th'. The medicine has operated; and he appears going on well, his appetite continuing unimpaired. '10th'. He growls when I open the basket to look at him. June 7.

The R R is the only water which cools the blood, Overheated blood is what causes the pressure on the head. The R R is the only pleasant-tasting aperient water of any strength on the market to-day. We have stumbled onto a good thing, and we've got the money to push it.

If a babe's bowels be either regular or relaxed, lump sugar is the best for the purpose of sweetening his food; if his bowels are inclined to be costive, raw sugar ought to be substituted for lump sugar, as raw sugar acts on a young babe as an aperient, and, in the generality of cases, is far preferable to physicking him with opening medicine. Are you an advocate for vaccination? Certainly.

'LADY HILDA' is informed that 'it is very seldom children are born healthy whose father has married before he is three-and-twenty; that long engagements are not only unnecessary but injurious; and that washing the head will remove the scurf. 'LEONE' is assured that 'it is not necessary to be married in two churches, one being quite sufficient; that 'there is no truth in the saying that it is unlucky to marry a person of the same complexion; and that 'a gentle aperient will remove nettle-rash.

These are supposed to be aperient and attenuating; as also cardiac, alexipharmic, and sudorific: they are principally celebrated in uterine obstructions, the jaundice, and for throwing out the small-pox. Their sensible qualities give little foundation for these virtues: they have scarcely any taste, and no considerable smell.

This herb is an useful corroborant, aperient, and detergent; and hence stands recommended against laxity, debility, and obstructions of the viscera: some have had a great opinion of it for cleansing and healing ulcers of the internal parts, even of the lungs; and for purifying the blood.

Until that time comes, poor unfortunate babies must be, occasionally, dosed with an aperient. What are the causes of, and remedies for, Flatulence? Flatulence most frequently occurs in those infants who live on artificial food, especially if they be over-fed.