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The reports we have of two definite morally antagonistic deities in Redmen tribes resolve themselves on examination into misconceptions or exaggerations on the part of the reporters; or, so far as the antagonism really exists, it is due to Christian influence.

And of aggregates of words which are capable of giving information about accomplished things known through the ordinary means of ascertaining the meaning of words, and which connectedly refer to a Brahman which is the cause of the origination, subsistence, and destruction of the entire world, is antagonistic to all imperfection and so on, we have no right to say that, owing to the absence of a purport in the form of activity or cessation of activity, they really refer to something other than Brahman.

Following in its footsteps there is such a halo of glory, such a gentle influence, that it gathers within its sacred realm antagonistic natures, controls the elements of discord, stills the storm, soothes the spirit of passion, and directs in harmony all of man's efforts to fraternize the world.

Such instants cannot last, and they are shortest when one's habits of thought are antagonistic to such luxury. Brigit sighed deeply, and roused herself with a painful sense that the minute she wilfully cut short had been the sweetest in her life. "Pensée," she said, "has been so kind to me. She gave me her room at Wight House last night. She had the little dressing-room just off it.

In the slight interval that elapsed before my brain could register his identity I experienced a distinct shock of resentment; a sense of the reintrusion of an antagonistic value at a moment when it was most unwelcome.... The man had risen and was coming around the counter. He was Hermann Krebs. "Paret!" I heard him say. "You here?" I exclaimed.

Tifto had felt himself to have been treated like a servant. Hardly an excuse had even been made. He had been simply told that he was not wanted. He was apt sometimes to tell himself that he knew on which side his bread was buttered. But perhaps he hardly knew how best to keep the butter going. There was a little pride about him which was antagonistic to the best interests of such a trade as his.

The majority of these men believe that the fundamental interests of employees and employers are necessarily antagonistic.

The struggle, upon the scientific theory, represents two elements in an evolution which can be accomplished peacefully by such a reconstruction as will reconcile the conflicting aims and substitute harmony for discord. On the other doctrine, it is a conflict of hopelessly antagonistic principles, one of which is to be forcibly crushed.

He places golden crowns on the heads of his son and the servants. As bearers of both seeds, male and female, the lion is androgynous. The substance is also called Mercurius; his staff bears the two antagonistic serpents mentioned by Flamel. It is the original substance, Mercury, “our hermaphrodite.” In Section 9 of the parable, and also later, red and white appear in roses.

She plunged with Catherine Earnshaw into the thick of the tumult, and her detachment is not more wonderful than her immersion. It is our own imperfect vision that is bewildered by the union in her of these antagonistic attitudes.