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Updated: August 15, 2024

From the outside, some of Anjou's officers were attempting to climb over this mass of bodies in order to enter the city; from the interior, the baffled and fugitive remnant of their comrades were attempting to force their passage through the same horrible barrier; while many dropped at, every instant upon the heap of slain, under the blows of the unrelenting burghers.

Their pay has fallen into arrears, and I don't see how it is to be made up. The Admiral has almost ruined himself for the Cause already. 'Tis a pity we cannot capture Anjou's money chests; they would be worth having. Corbleu! the bugle is sounding! That means there is to be no battle." "Monseigneur may have something to say to that," remarked Roger, as he walked off toward his own comrades.

Granvelle scouted the idea of her being ignorant of Anjou's scheme, or opposed to its success. As for William of Hesse, while he bewailed more than ever the luckless plunge into "confusum chaos" which Casimir had taken, he unhesitatingly expressed his conviction that the invasion of Alencon was a master-piece of Catherine.

Those who judge only by the result, will be quick to censure a policy which might have had very different issue. They who place themselves in the period anterior to Anjou's visit to England, will admit that it was hardly human not to be deceived by the apolitical aspects of that moment.

Policy of electing Anjou as sovereign Commode et incommode Views of Orange Opinions at the French Court, Anjou relieves Cambray Parma besieges Tourney Brave defence by the Princess of Espinoy Honorable capitulation Anjou's courtship in England The Duke's arrival in the Netherlands Portrait of Anjou Festivities in Flushing Inauguration at Antwerp The conditions or articles subscribed to by the Duke Attempt upon the life of Orange The assassin's papers Confession of Venero Gaspar Anastro His escape Execution of Venero and Zimmermann Precarious condition of the Prince His recovery Death of the Princess Premature letters of Parma Further negotiations with Orange as to the sovereignty of Holland and Zealand Character of the revised Constitution Comparison of the positions of the Prince before and after his acceptance of the countship.

Those who judge only by the result, will be quick to censure a policy which might have had very different issue. They who place themselves in the period anterior to Anjou's visit to England, will admit that it was hardly human not to be deceived by the apolitical aspects of that moment.

An attempt upon Lochum, an important city, in Gelderland, was unsuccessful, the place being relieved by the Duke of Anjou's forces, and Parma's troops forced to abandon the siege.

At midday some thousands of Anjou's troops rushed into the city at the dinner-hour with loud cries of "Ville gagnée! Tue! Tue!" But the citizens flew to arms; barricades were erected; and finally the French were driven out with heavy loss, leaving some 1500 prisoners in the hands of the town-guard.

Lean on me; you are weaker than I thought." He supported me across the room, down the stairway, and so to the door of the house, in front of which a carriage was drawn up. The coachman wore Anjou's livery a device of L'Estang's, since the equipage did not belong to Monseigneur and the crowd stood around cheering wildly.

Count John, however; was indefatigable in arranging the finances of the proposed expedition, and in levying contributions among his numerous relatives and allies in Germany, while Louis had profited by the occasion of Anjou's passage into Poland, to acquire for himself two thousand German and French cavalry, who had served to escort that Prince, and who, being now thrown out of employment, were glad to have a job offered them by a general who was thought to be in funds.

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