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Updated: August 6, 2024

Gagabu eagerly echoed the words. Ameni gave the old man his hand, which trembled with excitement, and went on more calmly. "The Regent Ani is a legitimate child of the soil, by his father and mother both. I know him well, and I am sure that though he is cunning indeed, he is full of true veneration, and will righteously establish us in the rights which we have inherited.

The panegyric prepared by us for to-morrow must offer some great novelty. The Regent Ani grants us a rich contribution, and " "And," interrupted Septah, "our thaumaturgists understand things very differently from those of the house of Anion, who feast while we practise." Ameni nodded assent, and said with a smile: "Also we are more indispensable than they to the people.

She took me from the steward, I became indispensable to her; she treats me like a man, she values my intelligence and listens to my advice, therefore I will make her great, and with her, and through her, I will wax mighty. If Ani mounts the throne, we wilt guide him you, and I, and she! Rameses must fall, and with him Mena, the boy who degraded my body and poisoned my soul!"

As for me, in the end I may induce my haughty niece to look up instead of down; I may be her second love, though for that matter she certainly is not my first." On the following day the princess set out. Ani took leave of her with kindly formality, which she returned with coolness. The priesthood of the temple of Amon, with old Bek en Chunsu at their head, escorted her to the harbor.

"I also am for pressing forwards; but I would remind you of a necessary precaution. No letters but yours must reach the camp for the next few weeks." "Once more you and the priests are of one mind," said Ani laughing; 'for Ameni gave me the same counsel. Whatever letters are sent across the frontier between Pelusium and the Red Sea will be detained.

"My father" interrupted the boy, "he little knows the Regent. But I shall write to him what I have today heard said by different people. They were to have sworn allegiance to Ani at that very feast in the valley, and it is quite openly said that Ani is aiming at the throne, and intends to depose the king. You are right, it is madness but there must be something behind it all."

Make haste, now; these stewards must not be kept waiting!" The old woman gave the dwarf a push, and he hurried back to Ani, while she carried the child, tied to his board, into the cave, and threw the sack over him. A few minutes later the Regent stood before her.

A secretary made notes of the short facts which Ani called out to him, and the ground work was laid of the answers to the different letters. At a sign from his master this functionary quitted the room, and Ani then slowly opened a letter from the king, whose address: "To my brother Ani," showed that it contained, not public, but private information.

Ani saw her robe as she herself fled, clenched his fist with rage as he shouted her name, and then, not knowing what he did, rushed headlong through the corridor into which the different royal apartments opened. The fearful crash of the falling stairs brought the King and Mena also out of the sleeping-room.

I always must model something when my mind is excited, and this time I quickly made his face, and as the image was successful, I kept it about me to show to the master when Hekt was out." While he spoke he had carefully unwrapped the figure with trembling fingers, and had given it to Uarda. "Ani!" cried the prince. "He, and no other! Who could have thought it! What spite has he against Pentaur?

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