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An important member of the family I must not forget! the governess, Mademoiselle Wissembourg, who is very much of a personage. My coachman, who was one of the "anciens zouaves" so renowned for their bravery generally has cramps when he is told that I am going to drive myself to Paris. And when I drive those twelve miles I do it in double- quick time with Medje and Hilda, my two "limousin" horses.

It was "Abel Klement, achat de bijoux, anciens et modernes." Then, not content with this superficial inspection, she went close to the door and, bending, gazed with frank curiosity into the interior. Lacking her indifference to appearances, Esther made a pretence of looking into the window.

In romance, several attempts have been made by French Canadians, but without any marked success, except in two instances. M. de Gaspe, when in his seventieth year, described in simple, natural language, in 'Les Anciens Canadiens, the old life of his compatriots. M. Gerin Lajoie attempted, in 'Jean Rivard, to portray the trials and difficulties of the Canadian pioneer in the backwoods.

"C'est enfin que dans leurs prunelles Rit et pleure-fastidieux L'amour des choses eternelles Des vieux morts et des anciens dieux!" We were sitting around the camp fire, some thirty miles north of a place called Taqui, when Lawson announced his intention of finding a home. He had spoken little the last day or two, and I had guessed that he had struck a vein of private reflection.

You will there find the best account of a very interesting period of the minority of Lewis XIV. The characters are drawn short, but in a strong and masterly manner; and the political reflections are the only just and practical ones that I ever saw in print: they are well worth your transcribing. 'Le Commerce des Anciens, par Monsieur Huet.

Flecher in the Bulletin de la Societe des Anciens Eleves d'Arts et Metiers: All those who are acquainted with the Old Port of Marseilles know the inconvenience of communication between one shore and the other, and the high price of ferriage by row boats. The building of these ferry boats, on a system providing for the use of separate hulls, was confided to Messrs.

Max Mueller differe des philologues anciens en ceci que tandis qu'ils etudiaient seulement les langues classiques, lui trouve la lumiere et le materiel partout, meme dans le Patois: ainsi le Provencal lui a ete indispensable et bien d'autres langues encore que les amateurs des classiques negligent generalement." This interest in languages grew with years.

Here is Le Moyne d'Iberville, and there De Hertel, brave and able, a Juchereau du Chesnay; a Joybert de Soulanges. Down here is De Salaberry, the Leonidas of Lower Canada. There behold Philippe de Gaspé, who wrote 'Les Anciens Canadiens; there Gaspard Joly, the Knight of Lotbinière. But you can inform yourself about these names.