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Among the poets of India, who have written in these dialects, Sauday, Mir-Mohammed Taqui, Wali, and Azad are the principal. The Hindi, which dates from the eleventh century A.D., is one of the languages of Aryan stock still spoken in Northern India. One of its principal dialects is the Hindustani, which is employed in the literature of the northern country.

Whenever you are able to see me send me word, and I will come back and settle with you. But I think you will realise that I have saved your soul." The afternoon was merging into twilight as I left the house on the road to Taqui. The great fire, where the Grove had been, was still blazing fiercely, and the smoke made a cloud over the upper glen, and filled all the air with a soft violet haze.

"C'est enfin que dans leurs prunelles Rit et pleure-fastidieux L'amour des choses eternelles Des vieux morts et des anciens dieux!" We were sitting around the camp fire, some thirty miles north of a place called Taqui, when Lawson announced his intention of finding a home. He had spoken little the last day or two, and I had guessed that he had struck a vein of private reflection.

A motor met me at the queer little wayside station of Taqui, and after many miles on a doubtful highway I came to the gates of the park, and a road on which it was a delight to move. Three years had wrought little difference in the landscape. Lawson had done some planting, conifers and flowering shrubs and suchlike, but wisely he had resolved that Nature had for the most part forestalled him.

But it was like midnight to me, a midnight of suspicion and unknown perils. I began to wish heartily I had never come. I stopped for my midday meal at a place called Taqui, a grassy glade in the bush where a tiny spring of water crept out from below a big stone, only to disappear in the sand. Here I sat and smoked for half an hour, wondering what was going to become of me.