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She tried to persuade herself that this meant amendment, and that the outbreaks would grow rarer and at length cease altogether. Throughout the spring and summer of 1731 his health improved, and with it his kindness to her. Another child was coming. Hope, so often cut down, grew again in her heart. And then One forenoon in the second week of June a torrid, airless day he came home reeling.

An interesting phase of this year's session in connection with the suffrage amendment was the presenting of the idea of Primary suffrage for women by Miss Gordon at the hearing.

With startled eyes she caught the impudent headlines: VANDERPOOL DROPPED Senate Refuses to Confirm Todd Insurgents Muster Enough Votes to Defeat Confirmation of President's Nominee Rumored Revenge for Machine's Defeat of Child Labor Bill Amendment. The paper trembled in her jewelled hands. She glanced down the column. "Todd asks: Who is Vanderpool, anyhow? What did he ever do?

The following July a meeting was held to listen to Mrs. Minnie S. Cunningham of Texas and Mrs. Ben Hooper of Wisconsin, who were touring certain States under the auspices of the National Association, to consult the Governors on the question of special sessions for the ratification of the Federal Amendment, which had been submitted in June. Mrs. Patrick and Mrs.

We know that the drunkard, if God should, through the instrumentality of this great and glorious movement, put the wish for amendment into his heart, still feels checked and deterred by a sense of shame; because, the truth is, if none attended these meetings but such men, that very fact alone would prove a great obstruction in the way of their reformation.

The Government, he said, was aware of the intimate relation in which His Grace stood to the bottom end of a parallelogram and was prepared to respect it. Lord Halifax rose to offer a further amendment.

Your representative finds himself called to the defence of this doctrine. Thus is the amendment to the Constitution made of no effect in the Territories. The character of President McKinley's policy is set forth in his own words and they justify the charge of imperialism.

He did not complete his thought, but it is unmistakable: therefore, native citizens as first-comers, rather than foreigners, would probably decide the question of slavery in the Territories forever. And so, after two days of debate, Douglas again had his way: the Senate voted to recede from the Clayton amendment. On May 30th, the President signed the Kansas-Nebraska bill and it became law.

Jane, who was counted the most violent churchman in the whole Assembly. In a Latin speech to the bishop of London as president, he, in the name of the lower house, asserted that the liturgy of England needed no amendment, and concluded with the old declaration of the barons, "Nolumus leges Angliæ mutari. We will not suffer the laws of England to be changed."

Not as certain as Susan that work for a federal amendment must come first, many of them contended that a few more states won for woman suffrage would best help the cause at this time. The southern women, now active, were firm believers in states' rights and supported state work.