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Mental acuity of this grade combined with amnesia looks more like an hysterical than a manic-depressive process. Leroy describes a case much like ours which is interesting from a therapeutic standpoint. The patient was a woman who passed from a severe depression with hallucinations and anxiety into a long stupor, from which she recovered completely.

The indubitable decrease of certain memory powers, of the acuity in measuring distance, of the time estimation, and similar psychical disturbances after alcohol, must evidently be of high importance for industry and transportation, while the well-known increase of the purely sensory sensibility, especially of the visual acuity after small closes of alcohol, hardly plays an important rôle in practical life.

It was the opening and closing of the door leading from the corridor into the adjoining room. He sat motionless, without opening his eyes; but now another sight forced itself under his lowered lids. It was the precise photographic picture of that other room. Everything in it rose before him and pressed itself upon his vision with the same acuity of distinctness as the objects surrounding him.

Still, if you will have it so, let the blind be excluded from philosophy, as they cannot see though, by the way, they are just the people who most need philosophy to console them for their misfortune; but now, the people who can see give them the utmost possible acuity of vision, and what can they detect of the spiritual qualities from this external shell?

More important still than the tactile sensations, properly speaking, are the sensations which pertain to what is sometimes called internal touch, deep-seated sensations emanating from all points of the organism and, more particularly, from the viscera. One cannot imagine the degree of sharpness, of acuity, which may be obtained during sleep by these interior sensations.

A platitude of acceptance of the poor actual, the absence of all vision of how in any degree to change it, combined with a complacency, an acuity of perception of alternatives, though a view of them as only through the confectioner's hard glass that is what I recover as the nearest approach to an apology, in the soil of my nature, for the springing seed of emulation.

The acuity of hearing was no longer so pronounced and the sense of refreshment, although still present, was not intense. We were already becoming adjusted to the new condition. The feeling of inertia and irresponsibility became gradually replaced by a general sense of calmness.

These new feelings did not affect his general attitude toward life: they merely confirmed his faith in its ultimate "jolliness." Never had he more thoroughly enjoyed the things he had always enjoyed. A good dinner had never been as good to him, a beautiful sunset as beautiful; he still rejoiced in the fact that he appreciated both with an equal acuity.

While they modify overzeal, they detract in no way from effective, even strenuous, endeavor. "Fads may be said to constitute a perfect mental antitoxin for the poison generated by cerebral acuity." Courtney. There is nothing occult in the suggestion that the worrier cultivate a fad. Its object is to interest him in something outside of himself and of the monotony of his accustomed round.

Now that his uncertainty was at an end, he no longer vibrated with the almost painful acuity which hitherto her malignant delays had provoked. He soothed himself by poking the fire. His mind was still full of her, but plethoric, content. When his thoughts stirred at all it was, at the very most, to revolve the question, "How shall I go about it, when the time comes, so as not to be ridiculous?"