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Updated: August 21, 2024

At my office all the morning, to prepare an account of the charge we have been put to extraordinary by the Dutch already; and I have brought it to appear 852,700l.: but God knows this is only a scare to the Parliament, to make them give the more money. Thence to the Parliament House, and there did give it to Sir Philip Warwick; the House being hot upon giving the King a supply of money. Mr.

My Lord pleases himself with it, but methinks it ought to have been better done than by Jobing. Besides I put him upon having some took off upon white sattin, which he ordered presently. I offered my lord my accounts, and did give him up his old bond for 500l. and took a new one of him for 700l., which I am by lending him more money to make up: and am glad of it. 25th.

This I take to he a humiliating confession, as it proves my own want of judgment in publishing, and the public's in reading, things which cannot have stamina for permanence." The pecuniary profits accruing to Byron from his works began with Lara, for which he received 700l. He had made over to Mr.

Secretary Morrice did this day in the House, when they talked of intelligence, say that he was allowed but 700l. a-year for intelligence; whereas in Cromwell's time he did allow 70,000l. a-year for it; and was confirmed therein by Colonell. Birch, who said that thereby Cromwell carried the secrets of all the princes of Europe at his girdle.

The cost of one mile of the 20 in. gauge road, with 14 lb. rails, thirty basket wagons, and accessories for the transport of sugar cane, is 700l., and the total weight of this plant amounts to 35 tons. Owing to the great lightness of the portable railways, and the facility with which they can be worked, the attention of explorers has repeatedly been attracted by them.

The 'Meditations' brought in a clear gain of 700l. Dr. Blair, himself a model of taste in his day, spoke in high terms of approbation of Hervey's writings. Boswell records with evident astonishment that Dr. Johnson did of such a farrago of highflown sentiment clothed in the most turgid language.

In 1759, ten thousand one hundred and thirty-six pounds of cocoons were raised in Georgia, four thousand pounds of which were from Ebenezer, and the proceeds of their culture alone, for the season, reached 700l. sterling. The opinion of those engaged in the culture, as expressed to Dr. Jared Elliot, was, "that it was more profitable than any other ordinary business."

Nathaniel Crewe, hath an estate of 6 or 700l. per annum left him by the death of as old acquaintance of his, but not akin to him at all. And this man is dead without will, but had above ten years since made over his estate to this Mr. Crewe, to him and his heirs for ever, and given Mr.

His little Society found it impossible to raise means for the purchase of a brigantine, and he therefore limited his plans to the equipment of two launches and two smaller boats. He would store in these provisions for six months, and take a crew of Cornish fishermen, used to the stormy Irish Sea. As to the funds, a lady at Cheltenham gave 700l., he himself 300l.

At last the Sa Leonites, hopeless of obtaining a Government grant, have set on foot a subscription which reached 500l. some say 700l. There are, therefore, certain fitful signs of activity, and bricks and fire-bricks now cumber the ground; but it is all a 'flash in the pan. The present purpose is to make it a library, in place of the fine old collection which went to the dogs.

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