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Updated: August 20, 2024

Rivin. &c. Families of Plants translated from Linneus, p. 618. The spadix of this plant is frequently quite white, or coloured, and the leaves liable to be streaked with white, and to have black or scarlet blotches on them.

The statistics of the railroads of this country for the year ended June 30, 1906, the last contained in the annual statistical report of the Interstate Commerce Commission, show in that one year a total of 108,324 casualties to persons, of which 10,618 represent the number of persons killed.

Of 450 objects thus cursorily examined, only one star of the seventh magnitude, numbered 1,618 in Groombridge's Circumpolar Catalogue, gave signs of measurable vicinity. Similarly, a reconnaissance among rapidly moving stars lately made by Dr. Chase with the Yale heliometer yielded no really large, and only eight appreciable parallaxes among the 92 subjects of his experiments.

Principal $27,236,512.00 Interest 31,211,691.75 Total $58,448,203.75 $12,891,900.19 Less Sinking Fund 18,194,618.26 6,303,000.00 Balance due $40,253,585.49 $6,588,900.19 and these amounts were accordingly turned over to the United States Government closing the account.

Federal troops killed in action, 67,058; died of wounds, 43,012; died of disease, 224,586; making total Federal fatalities 334,656. Confederates killed and died of wounds, 95,000; died of disease, 164,000; making the total Confederate fatalities 259,000. According to the War Department records, total dead of the Civil War is 618,524.

This name is obviously a Greek translation of the Sabæan for some well-known oracle which anciently existed here, not far, as Ptolemy himself tells us, from Cape Risout. This name eventually became Zufar, from which the modern name of Dhofar is derived. In a.d. 618 the town was destroyed and Mansura built, under which name the capital was known in early Mohammedan times.

In 1668, it produced a yearly revenue of £99 a considerable sum in that day, but not in any proportion to the present rental, which amounts to upwards of £12,000 a-year. Grace Abounding, No. 3. Vol. i., p. 618. Grace Abounding, No. 4. Philip's Life of Bunyan, p. 4. Vol. iii., p. 597. Vol. ii., p. 564. Grace Abounding, No. 27. Grace Abounding, No. 5. Ibid., No. 8. Life, p. vii. Ibid. p. viii.

As a proof that it could not well be otherwise, let us look to a return, which was presented to the House of Commons, of the number of officers in the British army in the pay of John, which return was as follows: Field Marshals, 5 Generals, 81 Lieutenant Generals, 157 Major Generals, 221 Colonels, 152 Lieutenant-Colonels, 618 Majors, 612 Captains, 2960 Lieutenants, 4725 Ensigns, 2522 amounting in the whole to the enormous number of TWELVE THOUSAND AND FIFTY-FOUR officers!

In 103 hours and ten minutes' steaming we reached Fashoda, the government station in the Shillook country, N. lat. 9 degrees 52 minutes, 618 miles by river from Khartoum. This town had been fortified by a wall and flanking towers since I had last visited the White Nile, and it was garrisoned by a regiment of Egyptian soldiers. Ali Bey, the governor, was a remarkably handsome old man, a Kurd.

No doubt Dragonbeard had sent it in answer. And both of them were very happy. He lived as a historical personage, 571-649 A.D. Li Yuan was the founder of the Tang dynasty, 565-635 A.D. His famous son, to whom he owed the throne, the "Prince of Tang," was named Li Schi Min. His father abdicated in 618 in his favor. This tale is not, of course, historical, but legendary.

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