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Updated: August 1, 2024

"S'faith, Sir Percy," said Marguerite, with a long and merry laugh, that went enchoing along the old oak rafters of the parlour, "I would I had seen you then . . . ha! ha! ha! ha! you must have looked a pretty picture . . . and . . . and to be afraid of a little French boy . . . ha! ha! . . . ha! ha!" "Ha! ha! ha! he! he! he!" echoed Sir Percy, good-humouredly. "La, Madame, you honour me! Zooks!

"Why, Gad Zooks! man! who knoweth what happenings there are and what not till one essays the gathering of them!

Zooks! he added in a cautious undertone, 'I misdoubt me but he beareth tidings to the besieged. 'Where dwellest thou, young knave? inquired the man with the largest steel-cap. 'Over there, said Robert; and directly he had said it he knew he ought to have said 'Yonder! 'Ha sayest so? rejoined the longest boots. 'Come hither, boy. This is a matter for our leader.

You have practised sobriety and hypocrisy from your hanging sleeves till your Geneva cassock from the cradle to this day, and it is a thing of nature to you; and you are surprised that a rough, rattling, honest fellow, accustomed to speak truth all his life, and especially when he found it at the bottom of a flask, cannot be so perfect a prig as thyself Zooks! there is no equality betwixt us A trained diver might as well, because he can retain his breath for ten minutes without inconvenience, upbraid a poor devil for being like to burst in twenty seconds, at the bottom of ten fathoms water And, after all, considering the guise is so new to me, I think I bear myself indifferently well try me!"

Talb. I tell you it was this time last year, man, that I was mounted upon a fine bay hunter, out a-hunting. Farm. Zooks! would you argufy a man out of his wits? You won't go for to tell me that you are that impertinent little jackanapes! Talb. No! no! I'll not tell you that I am an impertinent little jackanapes! Well, don't then, for I can't believe it; and you put me out. Where was I? Talb.

"Hush, Gilbert, hush!" said Cromwell; "you offend in your language." "Zooks, sir, I must speak either in your way, or in my own," said Pearson, "unless I am to be dumb as well as deaf! Away with you, my lord, to visit the posts; and you will presently hear me make some noise in the world."

As to reparation to his daughter, that is settled; and after all, though I do not publicly acknowledge her, she is half my own niece." "Half?" "Half, the father's side doesn't count, of course; and, rigidly speaking, the relationship is perhaps forfeited on the other. However, that half of it I grant. Zooks, sir, I say I grant it! I beg you ten thousand pardons for my vehemence.

Halfway down the stairs I asked it again, and again received no answer save a "Zooks! you go too fast for my years and having in flesh! Go more slowly, Ralph Percy; there's time enough, there's time enough!" There was a tone in his voice that I liked not, for it savored of pity.

As to reparation to his daughter, that is settled; and after all, though I do not publicly acknowledge her, she is half my own niece." "Half?" "Half, the father's side doesn't count, of course; and, rigidly speaking, the relationship is perhaps forfeited on the other. However, that half of it I grant. Zooks, sir, I say I grant it! I beg you ten thousand pardons for my vehemence.

"Oh, zooks! what! a burying! ay, now I see it is; and I warrant of our old bishop I heard he was main ill. It is he they have been putting into the ground! is not it?" "Yes," said Henry. "Why, then, so much the better." "The better!" cried Henry. "Yes, master; though I should be loth to be where he is now." Henry started "He was your pastor, man!" "Ha! ha! ha!

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