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Population and Condition of the Jews in Misratah and Tripoli. Regini sighs for the honour of hoisting the Union Jack. Village of Zeiten. Leghma; and the tapping of the Date-Palm. Corn Fields and Grain Culture in North Africa. Manipulation. Sahel or Salhin; its splendid Gardens. The Eastern Terminus groups of Mount Atlas. Ruins of Lebida; and other Ancient Ruins. Monosyllabic Old Moor.

Bulwer's translation of SCHILLER'S "Ideal." Beschoeftigung, die nie ermattet Die langsam schafft, doch nie zerstoert, Die zu dem Bau der Ewigkeiten Zwar Sandkorn nur, fuer Sandkorn reicht, Doch von der grossen Schuld der Zeiten Minute, Tage, Jahre streicht. Die Ideale SHILLER. The strength of Chopin was not sufficient for the execution of his intention.

Every muscle of the body is stretched, and rubbed, and coaxed. To burning, bleeding, and charms, some Moorish doctors add manipulation, as the fourth sovereign remedy. These cultivated lands are a continuation of Zeiten; but Sahel is in a much higher state of cultivation. The golden harvest is nodding over Afric's sunny plains.

These chiefly refer to Italian and English literature. J. A. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. Vols. IV and V. Italian Literature. B. Weise and E. Pèrcopo. Geschichte der italienischen Litteratur von den ältesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart. Leipzig und Wien, 1899. I have often found this of considerable use as summarizing the latest work on the subject.

"Now, then move along there. I'll attend to this, if YOU please." But the crowd did not move. And then came a voice that thrilled the children through and through. For it spoke in a foreign language. And, what is more, it was a language that they had never heard. They had heard French spoken and German. Aunt Emma knew German, and used to sing a song about bedeuten and zeiten and bin and sin.

The hunter's good intentions are fruitless, the young man is drowned. In the autumn of 1823, Heine wrote, while at Luneburg, his "Die Lorelei." It was first published in the Gesellschafter, March 26, 1824. Commentators refer to the verse, "Ein Märchen aus alten Zeiten," as a bit of fiction, adding that it is not a title of olden times, but one invented by Brentano about 1800.

For a complete and recent study of the question, see A. Lehmann, Aberglaube und Zauberei von den ältesten Zeiten bis in die Gegenwart, 1898. Lang, op. cit., I, 96. There will be found many other facts of this kind.

The finest effort to reanimate the past is of course only approximativeis always more or less an infusion of the modern spirit into the ancient formWas ihr den Geist der Zeiten heisst, Das ist im Grund der Herren eigner Geist, In dem die Zeiten sich bespiegeln.

The melodious singing, the golden hair and the golden comb and the use that is made of both, the irresistibly sweet sadness, the time, "Aus alten Zeiten," and the subjectivity Heine himself recites his poem these indispensable essentials in Heine's poem are not in Loeben's. Indeed as to content and of course as to merit, the two poems are far removed from each other.

Froude, have manifested their dramatic power of making the past present and the distant near. That the excess of this power is not always compatible with perfect impartiality may be admitted; for a poetic capacity is generally attended by heats of enthusiasm, and is liable to errors of detail; but without some share of it Die Zeiten der Vergangenheit Sind uns ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln.