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"Good morning, Malcolm," said Mrs Courthope, when she turned and saw whose shadow fell on the marble floor. "What have you brought me?" "A fine salmon troot, mem. "She's a peculiar person, that, Malcolm. Those are nice whitings. I don't care about the trout. Just take it to her as you go back." "I doobt gien she'll take it, mem. She's an awfu' vengefu' cratur, fowk says."

"I am at present, my lord a fisherman, and a famous fisherman, too. I have taken a barbel that weighs at least thirty pounds, and more than fifty mullets; I have also some little whitings that will fry beautifully." "You appear to me to have fished more frequently in the Gulf of Gascony than in the Channel," said Monk, smiling.

The white kinds of fish, which contain neither fat nor oil, are preferable to the rest; such as whitings, turbot, soles, skate, haddock, flounders, smelts, trout, and graylings. These are easier of digestion than salmon, mackarel, eels, lampreys, herrings, or sprats, and therefore more wholesome.

To make one of these grand Dishes, you ought always to have some capital sort of Fish, for the middle of the Dish; such as a Turbut, a Jowl of fresh Salmon, a Cod's Head, or a Pike boiled; and this must be adorn'd either with Flounders, Whitings, Soles, Perch, Smelts, or Gudgeons, or Bourn Trouts, which are the small River Trouts, or young Salmon-Fry, according as you can meet with them.

Aramis went out laughing, as only he could laugh, and Moliere followed him. They were at the bottom of the stairs, when La Fontaine opened the door, and shouted out: "He has promised us some whitings, In return for these our writings." The shouts of laughter reached the ears of Fouquet at the moment Aramis opened the door of the study.

Allevy transforms numbers into external objects, the number 1 being expressed by a tower, 2 by a bird, 3 by a camel, and so on. Pâris strikes the imagination by means of rebuses: an armchair garnished with clincher-nails will give "Clou, vis Clovis"; and, as the sound of frying makes "ric, ric," whitings in a stove will recall "Chilperic."

Sixthly, Being rubb'd upon my Cloaths, as is usual for the exciting of Amber, Wax, and other Electrical Bodies, it did in the Dark manifestly shine like Rotten Wood, or the Scales of Whitings, or other putrified Fish.

"I am at present, my lord a fisherman, and a famous fisherman too. I have taken a barbel that weighs at least thirty pounds, and more than fifty mullets; I have also some little whitings that will fry beautifully." "You appear to me to have fished more frequently in the Gulf of Gascony than in the Channel," said Monk, smiling.

King John, Act I. Sc. 1. A whiting dried in the sun; but "tiled haddocks" and "tiled whitings" are now unknown to the fisher-folk of Cockenzie. John Philip Wood, editor of Douglas's Peerage of Scotland, etc., was deaf and dumb; he died in 1838 in his seventy-fourth year. Coriolanus, Act I. Sc. 9. Charles S. Daveis of Portland, a friend of Mr. July 1. Mr. Daveis breakfasted with me.

She wanted to know how long Whitings' gardener had been in their employ; if they knew where he lived and about his family; if they knew who his friends were, or anything concerning him.