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"Ah!" said Major Whiteley. "And would you recognise him if you saw him again?" He leaned forward eagerly as he asked the question. All depended on her answer. "Yes," said Mary. "I should know him if I saw him again." Major Whiteley leaned across to Mr. Chalmers, who sat beside him. "If you've got the right man," he whispered, "we'll hang him on the girl's evidence."

"Twice after that, the lookout said, he warned Murdock that a berg was ahead. They were very indignant that no attention was paid to their warnings." Murdock's tardy answering of a telephone call from the crow's nest is assigned by Whiteley as the cause of the disaster. When Murdock answered the call he received the information that the iceberg was due ahead.

He turned to follow the sergeant from the room, a man bent and beaten down with utter shame. "Stop!" said Chalmers. He turned fiercely to Mary. "Will you swear will you take your oath he is not the man?" "I swear it," said Mary. "You're swearing to a lie," said Chalmers, "and you know it." Major Whiteley was cooler and more courteous. "Thank you, Miss Drennan," he said.

"I've got the right man, sure enough," said Chalmers. "Miss Drennan," said Major Whiteley, "I shall have eight men brought into this room one after another, and I shall ask you to identify the man who fired a shot at your mother, the man who removed his mask before he left the room." He rang the bell which stood on the table. The sergeant opened the door, and stood at attention. Mr.

A Chinese proverb says that there are as many useful properties in the coco-nut palm as there are days in the year; and a Polynesian saying tells us that the man who plants a coco-nut plants meat and drink, hearth and home, vessels and clothing, for himself and his children after him. Like the great Mr. Whiteley, the invaluable palm-tree might modestly advertise itself as a universal provider.

The next morning he got himself up as exquisitely as possible, in order to clinch his conquest, but found to his disgust that he had left his dressing-case with his razors at the last stopping-place. There was nothing for it but to try the village barber, who was also the village stationer, and draper, and ironmonger, and chemist a sort of Alpine Whiteley, in fact.

Oh, and should there only be eleven of the Whiteley Greek-borders?" she asked presently. "One was sent home with a cake, dear, we had too much cake." "We always do, somehow," commented Rosemary, absently, and there was a silence. The last speaker broke it presently, with a long sigh.

"We need not trouble you any further." Mary Drennan rose, bowed to the two men, and left the room. "You may let those men go, Chalmers," said Major Whiteley quietly. "There's no evidence against them, and you can't convict them." "I must let them go," said Chalmers. "But they're the men who were there, and the last of them, Denis Ryan, fired the shot."

One feels that the modern Temple of Love must be a sort of Swan and Edgar's; the god himself a kind of celestial shop-walker; while his mother, Venus, no doubt superintends the costume department. Quite an Olympian Whiteley, this latter-day Eros; he has forgotten nothing, for, at the back of the picture, I notice one Cupid carrying a rather fat heart at the end of a string.

The others lay quite still. This scene of bloodshed served its purpose. In that particular section of the deck there was no further attempt to violate the rule of "women and children first." "I helped fill the boats with women," said Thomas Whiteley, who was a waiter on the Titanic. "Collapsible boat No. 2 on the starboard jammed.