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By Georg Ebers While Pollux and his mother, who was much grieved, waited for Euphorion's return, and while Papias was ingratiating himself with the Emperor by pretending still to believe that Hadrian was nothing more than Claudius Venator, the architect, Aurelius Verus, nicknamed by the Alexandrians, "the sham Eros" had lived through strange experiences.

We must postpone our symposium and your drinking-speech." "It was not a drinking-speech, for if ever there was a moderate man " Papias began. But Pontius stopped him again, saying: "Titianus writes me word that he proposes coming to Lochias this evening. He may arrive at any moment; and not alone, but with my fellow-artist, Claudius Venator from Rome, who is to assist me with his advice."

"Here at Lochias for the last week we have quite forgotten to distinguish day from night, and a blessing can never come too late." "I have brought with me to-day an illustrious guest," said Titianus. "The great Roman architect Claudius Venator. He only disembarked a few minutes since." "Then a draught of wine will do him good.

Doris had not done speaking when Antinous came into the gate-house and delivered the commands of the architect Claudius Venator, to escort him through the city. Pollux hesitated with his answer, for he had still much to do in the palace, and he hoped to see Arsinoe again in the course of the day. After such a morning what could noon and evening be to him without her?

The Pongo venator is up with the sun, and, if not on horseback, at least he is on the traces of game; sometimes he returns home during the hours of heat, when he knows that the beasts seek the shady shelter of the deepest forests; and, after again enjoying the "pleasures of the chase," he disposes of a heavy dinner and ends the day, sleep weighing down his eyelids and his brains singing with liquor.

We must postpone our symposium and your drinking-speech." "It was not a drinking-speech, for if ever there was a moderate man " Papias began. But Pontius stopped him again, saying: "Titianus writes me word that he proposes coming to Lochias this evening. He may arrive at any moment; and not alone, but with my fellow-artist, Claudius Venator from Rome, who is to assist me with his advice."

He once more urgently charged the sculptor to look about for his young friend and, if he should find him at Lochias, to tell him that he, Claudius Venator, would return home ere long. Then the artist went his way.

The scales credit him with an even pound, and a better fish than this you will hardly take here in midsummer. "On my word, master," says the appreciative Venator, in Walton's Angler, "this is a gallant trout; what shall we do with him?"

Dame Doris noticed his indecision and cried: "Yes, go; the festival is for pleasure, besides, the architect can perhaps advise you on many points, and recommend you to his friends." "Your mother is right," said Antinous. "Claudius Venator can be very touchy, but he can also be grateful, and I wish you sincerely well "

The time has been, my men, when I would tell you the name of a beast, as far as eye could reach, and that too with most of the particulars of colour, age, and sex." "An inestimable advantage have you then enjoyed, venerable venator!" observed the attentive naturalist.