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Updated: August 27, 2024

"Only a single instant," answered Haita, blushing with shame at the confession. "Each time I drove her away in one moment." "Unfortunate youth!" said the holy hermit, "but for thine indiscretion thou mightst have had her for two." For there be divers sorts of death some wherein the body remaineth; and in some it vanisheth quite away with the spirit.

But one thing seemed plain: she had forgotten the half friendship and whole service that had had place betwixt them, and it made him feel as if the soul of man no less than his life were but as a vapour that appeareth for a little and then vanisheth away.

"No, sire, I brought only the one." Then Merlin mixed in: "He brought but the one because there was but the one to bring. There exists none other but that one. It belongeth to the king of the Demons of the Sea. This man is a pretender, and ignorant, else he had known that that weapon can be used in but eight bouts only, and then it vanisheth away to its home under the sea."

But never, Jeanie, never more let her name be spoken between you and me She hath passed from us like the brook which vanisheth when the summer waxeth warm, as patient Job saith let her pass, and be forgotten." There was a melancholy pause which followed these expressions.

'As the cloud is consumed and vanisheth away, so he that goeth down to the grave shall come up no more; he shall return no more to his house, neither shall his place know him any more. But, though the spirit be gone, its memory remains behind. Out of the good and the evil it hath done, shall be erected its monument on earth.

It would be replied to this, that their lives were but as a vapour, which appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away, and that a quarter, and sometimes half of their time on earth, was spent in those destructive pursuits.

Is this what has come of our worldly wisdom, tried against their folly? this, our mightiest possible, against their impotent ideal? or, have we only wandered among the spectra of a baser felicity, and chased phantoms of the tombs, instead of visions of the Almighty; and walked after the imaginations of our evil hearts, instead of after the counsels of Eternity, until our lives not in the likeness of the cloud of heaven, but of the smoke of hell have become "as a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away"?

For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and than vanisheth away." A fourth reason for contentment, and which we cannot doubt influenced the pious woman of Shunem, is to be derived from a view of that future happiness which infinite goodness has provided for the children of God.

Then let this come to thy mind at the same time; and where now are they all? Nowhere or anywhere? For so shalt thou at all time be able to perceive how all worldly things are but as the smoke, that vanisheth away: or, indeed, mere nothing. Especially when thou shalt call to mind this also, that whatsoever is once changed, shall never be again as long as the world endureth.

But, in point of fact, can it be reasonably said that the future of our present life is in any respect more certain than our prospects after death: "What is our life? is it not like a vapor, which appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away?"

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