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The Painter blessed her for not being talkative; her nasal voice irritated him, although her beautiful features were a constant delight. Miss Snell had succeeded in permanently eliminating the disfiguring bang, and her charming profile was left unmarred.

This species of stone is so hard that figures cut in it remain sharp and unmarred after exposure to the weather for two or three thousand years. Now did it take a hundred years of patient toil to carve the Sphynx? It seems probable. Something interfered, and we did not visit the Red Sea and walk upon the sands of Arabia. I only tell it as I got it. I am willing to believe it.

There was nothing to hope for in the future except to hope that Michael might never see her again! At least, she would like to feel that his memory of her of the Wielitzska whose lithe grace and beauty had swept him headlong even against the tide of his convictions would remain for ever unmarred.

Nature, as we see her in the material things which delight our eyes, is straight from the hand of God, unmarred by man's deforming, a marvellous creation of green growths and brilliant shades of colour, fresh, sweet, pure, an endless panorama of loveliness. But it is not only the material things which form the chief beauties of the land in which we dwell.

Everywhere you go you see square recesses cut into the hillsides, with perpendicular walls unmarred by crack or crevice, and perhaps you fancy that a house grew out of the ground there, and has been removed in a single piece from the mold. If you do, you err. But the material for a house has been quarried there.

Kaiserina von Vieradlers was the modern Venus, a creation of the modiste rather than of the sculptor; though hips and bosom were developed extravagantly, the long waist was absurdly small; but no token of ill health from the tight lacing appeared in the irreproachable shape, the well-turned arms and the countenance which was unmarred in a single lineament; the movements were not strictly ladylike, they were too unfettered in spite of the smooth gloves and the stylish unwrinkled ball dress, rather short in front to parade the slippers mentioned and silk stockings so nicely moulded to the trim ankle as to show the dimple.

Through the hours which followed so swiftly Darrell was in a sort of waking dream, a state of superlative happiness, unmarred as yet by phantoms from the shrouded past or misgivings as to the dim, uncertain future; past and future were for the time alike forgotten.

Fink ran and laid her face upon her chum's shoulder and sobbed hopelessly. Mrs. Cassidy took Maggie's face between her hands and lifted it gently. Tear-stained it was, flushing and paling, but its velvety, pink-and-white, becomingly freckled surface was unscratched, unbruised, unmarred by the recreant fist of Mr. Fink. "Tell me, Maggie," pleaded Mame, "or I'll go in there and find out.

Then would she have lain to greet you, calm and white, unmarred and beautiful, with the spring flowers upon her.... She believed not that you were dead; she was distraught with grief and watching; she thought that love might find what friendship missed; she went to the forest to seek you. They that were sent to find and bring her back have never returned" "Into the forest!" I cried.

They came to a little dale between hills at last, and in this place stood a cottage and barns a tiny homestead, but very neat, and one that had been unmarred by the enemy. There were even fruit trees standing. There was a huge wagon before the door, and into it must go the household goods and the family as well if there was a family.