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And if Rosa here wasn't the great, strong lass she is, I don't know how her old uncle'd manage; and he turned to the girl with a proud, tremulous smile. 'Will ye tak my arm a bit, Mr. Blencarn? Miss Rosa'll be tired, likely, Anthony asked. 'Nay, Mr. Garstin, but I can manage nicely, the girl interrupted sharply. Anthony looked up at her as she spoke.

"Now, let me see," said Aunt Cyrilla reflectively, tapping the snowy kitchen table with the point of her plump, dimpled forefinger, "what shall I take? That big fruit cake for one thing Edward does like my fruit cake; and that cold boiled tongue for another. Those three mince pies too, they'd spoil before we got back or your uncle'd make himself sick eating them mince pie is his besetting sin.

"Now you stop thinkin' gardins for a minute an' pay some heed to me," said Mrs. Marshall. "How was I goin' to look out for the pinies, when I only come into the property this spring? Uncle'd ha' seen 'em mowed down for fodder before he'd ha' let you or anybody else poke round over anything 'twas his.

Uncle'd married a French young 'ooman as was dressmakin' and had been a lady's maid; it's along of his mother that he gets his Frenchness, you see. He was an only son, he was, and they made a lot of him dressin' him fine, and coddlin' him, and sendin' him to school like anythink. Uncle was doin' a big trade, you see, and makin' money fast.