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One of these epigrams composed in the name of Flamininus runs thus: Zenos io kraipnaisi gegathotes ipposunaisi Kouroi, io Spartas Tundaridai basileis, Aineadas Titos ummin upertatos opase doron Ellenon teuxas paisin eleutherian. II. IX. Ballad-Singers The later rule, by which the freedman necessarily bore the -praenomen- of his patron, was not yet applied in republican Rome.

"Yes; he was a General all right, and he give his life for Private Knapp." "Where is Piper?" asked the Parson. The little rifleman pointed to the tall clothes horse hung about with cloaks, which made a Sanctuary of the far end of the kitchen. "Is he dead?" whispering. "I fancies so, sir. Lingered it out wunnerful, chattin to the Genelman, ummin an ymn and that.

"I was ummin all the bawdy bits I know to keep me company," called up a voice husky as a ghost's and cheery as a robin's: "It's lonesome-like kickin your heels in the dark against the powder bar'l you're goin to ell in next minute. Not that it's ell I mind. Ell's all right once you're there. It's the gettin there's the trouble the messin about and waitin and that."

"I don't know," said Fleda, permitting a little of her inward merriment to work off, "I think it has been rather too hot." "Yes," said the doctor, "the sun has been ardent; but I referred rather to the a to the warming of affections, and the pleasant exchange of intercourse on all sides which has taken place. How do you like our a the stranger?" "Who, sir?" "The new-comer, this young Mr. Ummin?"

"An' you'd 'ave bin joined by a Dutch dodger and settled down on a Vaal sheep-farm, if the order 'adn't come 'ummin' along the wire from 'Eadquarters that said, 'Jane 'Arris, you're to 'ave this bloke, and no other. Till Death do you part. Everlasting Amen!" There was so strong a flavour of Church about the final sentence that Mrs. Keyse could not keep admiration out of her eyes.

Ummin?" Fleda answered, but she hardly knew what, for she was musing whether the doctor would go away or come in. They reached the door, and Fleda invited him, with terrible effort after her voice; the doctor having just blandly offered an opinion upon the decided polish of Mr. Olmney's manners. Fleda pushed open the parlour door, and preceded her convoy, in a kind of tip-toe state of spirits.

He knew better than to advance line-head against Retallick, so he attacked ong eshlong, speakin' his remarks as much as possible into the breech of the starboard four point seven, an' 'ummin' to 'imself. Our chief cook 'ated 'ummin'. 'What's the matter of your bowels? he says at last, fistin' out the mess- pork agitated like. "'Don't mind me, says 'Op.

"O a little to begin with," said the doctor, looking round upon the room, which would certainly have furnished that for fifty people; "I hope we ain't done yet by considerable But here is Miss Ringgan, Mr. a Ummin, that has brought you some of the fruits of her own garden, with her own fair hands a basket of fine strawberries which I am sure a will make you forget everything else!" Mr.

"Oh a little to begin with," said the doctor, looking round upon the room, which would certainly have furnished that for fifty people; "I hope we aint done yet by considerable But here is Miss Ringgan, Mr. a Ummin, that has brought you some of the fruits of her own garden, with her own fair hands a basket of fine strawberries, which, I am sure a will make you forget everything else!"