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They would be guided by a Spaniard, tall and sunburnt, with white hair, who said that he was acting under the orders of the General, whose great friend he was, and they had been further assured that the artillery and various regiments would join them, wherefore they were to entertain no fear at all. The tulisanes would be pardoned and have a third part of the booty assigned to them.

"I don't think so, for they say that he fought against some tulisanes one day when they were robbing a house." "He hasn't the look of a criminal," commented Sinang. "No, but he looks very sad. I didn't see him smile the whole morning," added Maria Clara thoughtfully. So the afternoon passed away and the hour for returning to the town came.

Simoun proceeded to relate how he had been intercepted by a band of tulisanes, who, after entertaining him for a day, had let him go on his way without exacting other ransom than his two fine revolvers and the two boxes of cartridges he carried with him. He added that the tulisanes had charged him with many kind regards for his Excellency, the Captain-General.

Simoun was the only one who could compromise him, although he thought of Cabesang Tales. "Are there tulisanes " "No, man, nothing more than students." Basilio recovered his serenity. "What has happened then?" he made bold to ask. "Seditious pasquinades have been found; didn't you know about them?" "Where?" "In the University." "Nothing more than that?" "Whew!

Simoun secured information about the condition of the roads and asked Cabesang Tales if his revolver was a sufficient protection against the tulisanes. "They have rifles that shoot a long way," was the rather absent-minded reply. "This revolver does no less," remarked Simoun, firing at an areca-palm some two hundred paces away.

"Since the town was sacked by Balat, I've never seen another night equal to it," responded Sister Puté. "What a lot of shots! They say that it was old Pablo's band." "Tulisanes? That can't be! They say that it was the cuadrilleros against the civil-guards. That's why Don Filipo has been arrested." "Sanctus Deus! They say that at least fourteen were killed."

However, we got over the ground, passing through a beautiful country, and arrived at the meet after a four hours' ride, the place appointed being a hut belonging to the huntsman, and surrounded by three paddy fields, which he tilled, with his family, but did not live there, except at planting and reaping time, or for about six weeks of the year, from fear of the tulisanes, who, he said, frequented this wild and uninhabited neighbourhood.

The friar-administrator shrugged his shoulders: he had nothing to do with it, it was a matter of tulisanes and he had merely done his duty.

If we had not known that the place was a cave of tulisanes, we would have said, on reading the desperation on the face of the old man, that it was the Tower of Hunger on the eve when Ugolino devoured his sons.

Afterwards, when the superstition had been dissipated and the rock profaned, it was converted into a nest of tulisanes, since from its crest they easily captured the luckless bankas, which had to contend against both the currents and men.