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At least that is the only way in which I can conjecture you lost it." "You never saw it drop from my pocket?" "I should have picked it up and returned it had I seen it," said Hay, fixing his eye-glass. "Perhaps this boy saw it." "Saw what?" asked Tray, who was listening with both his large ears. "An old blue-velvet case with a brooch inside," said Beecot, quickly. Tray shook his head vigorously.

When the waiter had gone I hurried up the companion-way with much the air of a man who is stealing fowls, and I found my stowaway just in the position I had left him. "Now, pitch in," I said. "I'll stand guard forward here, and, if you hear me cough, strike for cover. I'll explain the tray matter if it's found." He simply said, "Thank you, sir," and I went forward.

She sat with the biggest bread tray upon her well cushioned knees, in the midst of the peelers, who as they peeled, dropped their peaches into the tray. When it over-ran with cups, somebody slimmer and suppler, took it away, and spread the cut fruit, just touching, all over the hot kiln. It must not be too hot just so you couldn't bear the back of your hand to it was about right.

And the Roussillon claret, too, was always excellent. "Ah, child," he thought, "your old Father is not going away." She presently returned, bearing on a wooden tray a ruby-stained pie and a short, stout bottle flanked by two glasses.

She was concerned because her mistress had had no dinner, and because the tray of food she carried would soon be cold. I took the tray from her, on the glimpse of something white on the shore, and that was how I met the Girl again. She was sitting on an over-turned boat, her chin in her hands, staring out to sea.

Nehushta also rose from her seat and in doing so, as though by accident, overset a copper tray on which lay metal tools. "In the garden one hour after sunset. Nehushta will leave the little lower door unlocked." "Good," answered Marcus; then added in a loud voice, "Not so, lady. Ye gods! what a noise! I think the curl improved by the slip.

"I'm next, I think," grated a usually suave voice which now had a decided tinge of unpleasantness; and Paul Gresham, selecting a bunch of violets from the tray, held them out toward Constance, impatient to end the all too pretty tableau.

Is that the conclusion at which you have arrived?" A waiter entered, carrying pitchers of beer on a tray, and the discussion was necessarily interrupted, every one drawing up to the table where Crozat filled the glasses, and the conversation took a more private turn.

She came back with a little pot that had once cost sevenpence-halfpenny when it was full of red-currant jelly; but the jelly had been all eaten long ago, and now Anthea had filled the jar with paraffin. She came in, and she threw the paraffin over the tray just at the moment when Cyril was trying with the twenty-third match to light the Jack-in-the-box.

He was paying before he went away, when he was knowing that the proprietor would make Augusta to pay." "Ah!" said March, and his wife said, "That was like him!" and she eagerly explained to Mrs. Adding how good and great Burnamy had been in this characteristic instance, while Lili waited with the tray to add some pathetic facts about Augusta's poverty and gratitude.