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Updated: August 21, 2024

A Geneva watch thus constructed bore what was practically the trademark of excellence. There was nothing finer on the market." "Were all Swiss watches equally good?" inquired Christopher. "As a general thing a Swiss watch could be depended on. However, different cities differed in output.

A man carries his personal trademark, not in his face only, but in his nervous system and muscles giving rise to characteristic movements and gait; in his larynx producing an individual voice; and even in his mouth, as shown by individual peculiarities of speech and accent.

While the girl hurried to carry out her instructions, Virginia went to her safe, opened it, and, taking out the jewel cases one by one, carried them into the library, where she piled them high on the table. Soon there was quite a large heap of dainty boxes of every shape and color, each bearing the trademark of a fashionable jeweller.

Then, too, there were various copies of pictures by Paul Veronese, Murillo and Velasquez that long passed for original, because the copyist had faithfully placed the great artist's trademark in the proper place. Queen Elizabeth held averages good by encouraging neither art nor matrimony whereas her father had set her the example of being a liberal patron of both.

I have already stated that the Italians constitute about three-fourths of the total population of Fiume, the latest figures, as quoted in the United States Senate, giving 29,569 inhabitants to the Italians and 14,798 to the Slavs. There is no denying that the city has a distinctively Italian atmosphere, for its architecture is Italian, that Venetian trademark, the Lion of St.

At a few minutes before six o'clock Len Spencer began to arrange one of the street windows of the "Blade" office. First of all, from hooks, he suspended Dodge and Bayliss' "ghosts" of the night before. "What does that mean?" asked the wondering onlookers. Then an unexploded bomb bearing the trademark of the Sploderite Company was put in the window.

Under their tuition, and that of his father, Fred Whitney became a skilful horseman and rancher. He learned to lasso and bring down an obdurate steer, to give valuable help in the round-ups, to assist in branding the registered trademark of his father on the haunches of his animals.

Blank sounds, caused by speechlessness. Sounds of speechlessness. "I may come back, if you'll take me back sometime...." A man was always an imbecile. Imbecility is a trademark. But there were no sounds now. His eyes tried to turn away from her. A face had ceased to live and give forth sounds. He remained looking at it.

To be sure, Teeny-bits was small, but he was shaped like a young god and modeled with perfect symmetry. Something else, however, attracted Neil's attention. "That's a peculiar mark you have on the back of your shoulder," he said, as Teeny-bits turned off the water. "It's a sort of birthmark, I guess," said Teeny-bits. "My trademark."

There was a small batch of electronic circuitry that looked as though it might be the insides of an FM-AM radio. All of the rest of the space was taken up by batteries. And every single one of the cells was a familiar little cannister. They were small, rechargeable nickel-cadmium cells, and every one bore the trademark of North American Carbide & Metals!

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