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"De Debby Beasley!" he stammered. "Debby Beasley!" "She was that deef housekeeper Bailey hired for me, teacher," explained the captain. "I've told you about her. Ho! ho! so that's the end of the mystery huntin'. We go gunnin' for Heman Atkins, and we bring down Debby! Well, Ase, goin' to see the old lady?" Mr. Tidditt's retort was emphatic. "Goin' to SEE her?" he repeated. "I guess not!

If I should lose my temper and rare up I might say somethin' that would hurt her feelin's. I'll set on the fence and wait for you and Ase, Whit." Mr. Tidditt's scornful comments concerning "white feathers" and "backsliders" had no effect. Mr. Bangs perched himself on the fence. "Give it to her, fellers!" he called after them. "Talk Dutch to her!

But to us, who live here throughout the year, a week soon passes. And the end of the week following Emily Thomas's arrival at the Cy Whittaker place found the little girl still there and apparently no nearer being shipped to Indiana than when she came. Not so near, if Mr. Tidditt's opinion counts for anything. "Gone?" he repeated scoffingly in reply to Bailey Bangs's question.

It is queer, but Captain Cy himself doesn't remember whether the day was Tuesday or Wednesday. Asaph Tidditt's records ought to settle it, for there was a meeting of the board of selectmen that day, and Asaph has been town clerk in Bayport since the summer before the Baptist meeting house burned.

Have you done any thinkin' about that?" And the captain, taking his pipe from his lips, stared blankly at his friend, and answered: "By the big dipper, Ase, I ain't! I remember we did mention it, but I've been so busy gettin' this craft off the ways that I forgot all about it." The discussion which followed Mr. Tidditt's reminder was long and serious.